time to put this to a test! first order of business: hooking up the switching power supply (red to +5V, brown to 5V RTN)

game pcb and audio pcb connected to the power supply

speakers and monitor added

ok, i think i've hooked up everything there is to hook up (without the controls, because they are at the powercoater), let's flick the power switch and see what happens ...

click on the following picture to see the original video i shot when the game was turned on for the first time

am i hearing a "

that's awesome! and to be honest, i wouldn't have expected it to work on the first try. however - as you can see - the monitor is totally out of focus. easy fix: turn the focus pot on the monitor


click on the picture to see the results!

so far, so good, but what about the sounds? the only sound you hear is immediately after powering up the game. when i turn the sound potentiometer, i can hear some crackle, so the speakers are definitely working. as i've said before, no controls are attached, so i can't simply start a game. however, i've read somewhere that after roughly ten minutes of cycling through the various attact mode pages, the game plays some attract mode music,
so all i can do is sit and wait ...

waiting ...
... more waiting ...
time goes by so slowlyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
suddenly - without really expecting it - i'm almost blown of the couch!

click on the picture to
hear the results!

i'm so excited, i need to show you some "screen captures" from the game

i'm afraid it's a little bit too late to enter the t-shirt giveaway contest

let's test the game with the nasty audio pcb that was still inside of my cabinet

working flawlessly as well (who would have guessed?)! now all i need to do is clean that b**** (and the other audio pcb as well)

i have to say i'm totally thrilled that this is working on the first try - all the efforts we've gone through have not been for nothing! thx again, pat!!! :