In fact, I did replace it with an Onkyo, but a somewhat smaller one, the TX-SR707.
Similar size and power as the Sony but a LOT more possibilities and options. Most important I can hook up every component of my AV system to it through HDMI and not loose quality. In fact it can even upscale my DVDs if I want. Has more channels than I'll ever need etc.

Got it for a great price from a friend who owned it for less than 1,5 years. He wanted to upgrade to a network capable receiver. Since I use my iPad or Mac and Airport express and/or Apple TV for that kind of work I didn't need that at all.
I haven't set up everything 100% yet but it sounds great.
I also scored another very nice receiver last weekend that I guess will end up in my gameroom....but more about that in the "flea market" thread a bit later today....