Last year I picked up a great cab, here in Paris, one of those i did not think i can have because
- Just a few was selling
- ever too expensive
- Always on UK so more expensive to get it back
- not really the space

(Sorry for my english)
So my friend Atarimania call me one day last january 2010 and told me he found a SW cockpit, it is located in Paris not so far for me

, (my 3 last cab was found in Paris too )

For the history we already make a roadtrip to catch the Atarimania's SW Cockpit in Uk - You can see the report (in french) here
http://www.gamoover.net/Forums/index.php?topic=11283.0 the cab was on ebay you could not bid it is only one announcement. We are both surprised it was still available 15 days after, we only knows that boards are missing, but the price is very very good, so we decided that this time the cabinet was for me

Here is the pictures available before i bought it - no picture of the roadtrip because i made it alone.

only 3 hours after I have it on my park

At this time i decided to keep it safe on my cellar not easy the wheels of the cab are down

Several week after, we decided to try to get it on my apartment but i am on the 4th Floor, the lift is too small of course, so we try by the stairs
Unfortunaltly the plan was not those and we was only 2 to do it 'Atarimania & me' and I was hurt at the left hand, that why the cockpit returned on the cellar.
a lot of work on the cockpit, as usual i want to restore it by using original item if it is possible.
the monitor is the amplifone 25" one, and all boards are missing
- Audio Regulator II Power Supply Board
- Amplifone Deflection Board
- Amplifone High Voltage Board
- 3 Pcb kit with the cage.