Author Topic: News on 'Dragons Lair' Movie...  (Read 31551 times)


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News on 'Dragons Lair' Movie...
« on: May 02, 2007, 10:53:59 AM »

...Has anyone heard any more about this?

Karstens Creations Website
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News on 'Dragons Lair' Movie...
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2007, 03:05:09 AM »
On Bluths website, the question of the movie is raised about once a week. They say that they are prepared to do the movie, but have been lacking the backing by a studio.

If they actually have found a studio to finance it, I haven't heard of it yet but am keeping my fingers crossed.


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News on 'Dragons Lair' Movie...
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2007, 05:58:16 AM »
I wouldnt expect the DL movie for some time. It was asked recently and the are still looking for funding for it. No funding=no movie.

Quote from: "Don Bluth's Website"

Posted: 05/20/2007
Subject: The DL crew
Message: Gary, big fan here who has seen all your work in feature film (with the exception of Titan AE, I'm getting to that). Hope your quest for financing Dragon's Lair goes well. Out of curiosity, are any of the artists from the original video game (yourself, John Pomeroy, Terry Shakespeare, Dorse Lanpher) coming back to animate? Please send Mr. Bluth my regards. Sincerity, Moe. (And please do NOT respond privately via email)
Reply: We have not contacted any of the original crew. We will once the project is financed. We're not sure who will be available to work on the project, but I'd love to get as many of them involved as we can. Most are working somewhere, many have made the crossover to the CG world. We'll see how it works out when we really get it started. Regards, Gary
Reply Posted: 05/23/2007

Posted: 05/19/2007
Subject: Another Movie
Message: Hello, this is Miles. By curiousity, are you planning on making another animated movie? If so, what would it be?
Reply: Miles, Thank you for writing. Yes, we do have plans to make more movies. However, those plans depend on financing. That's where we are, chasing the financing for several animated films. One of the first is to be a traditional 2d animated film, "Dragon's Lair: The Movie. There are eight titles in development, some are traditional hand-drawn and some are 3d computer animation. When we get started, we probably will not announce. We will quietly make the film and then make a lot of noise when it's ready for distribution. Regards.
Reply Posted: 05/19/2007


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News on 'Dragons Lair' Movie...
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2007, 08:58:09 AM »
Thanks for the update Brian & Karcreat  :o

The good thing : " of the first is to be a traditional 2d animated film..."  :P

I hope they'll have enough sponsors to get the money and start that project soon  :?

Cross the fingers  :o


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2D Animation RULES!...;)
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2007, 09:54:08 AM »
...Good also to hear that Disney finally pulled its head out of its ass (well, Eisners ass, anyway) to return to traditional 2D animation as well!...;)

Their next animated film is to be 'The Frog Princess'...starring their first black heroine!
(Cool, huh?...;)

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Re: News on 'Dragons Lair' Movie...
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2011, 09:17:20 PM »
An interesting auction on ebay (but not the price  :'()... a real fact about the 'always expected' Dragon's Lair -the movie-   :P

Ok, it's 2002 stuff, not a fresh proof, but it deserves to be 'archived' on DFL' for sure  8) 

Here's the description from the seller  :arrow:

"Hello! Up for auction is truly a one of a kind piece of artwork.  This is a piece of production / promotional artwork for Dragon's Lair the Movie which is still in development after all these years.  I purchased this from Don Bluth himself at the Classic Gaming Expo back in 2002.  I was lucky enough to have Don Bluth, Gary Goldman, John Pomeroy and Rick Dyer ALL sign this for me.  As you can see in the pics, they were displaying this artwork for a group of people during a panel discussion prior to me purchasing it.  Somewhere I still have a digital picture of all five of us together with the pic after signing.  This item was created by Don Bluth himself.  For all of you Dragon's Lair fans who collect cels and art, this piece can and should be the crown jewel in your collection.  This is a picture of the younger Dirk the Daring before his adventures in Singe's Castle.  I really wish they would make this movie.  This has been framed and in a cool dry smoke free storage for years.  This isn't something I want to part with, but sadly enough I have to... I hope this goes to someone who is a huge fan of the Bluth."



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Re: News on 'Dragons Lair' Movie...
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2012, 07:40:02 PM »
"I recently acquired a VHS tape that was given from Don Bluth to Gary Gygax (the president of TSR -the company that created the role playing game, Dungeons & Dragons). It was given to Mr. Gygax in 1984 and they are now liquidating his estate.

The tape consists of the attract mode and full games for Dragons lair, Space Ace and Dragons Lair 2 (although DL 2 is unfinished and it plays to opera style/classical music instead of dialogue with intermittent black and white full motion sketches).

At the end of the tape there is an 8 minute segment with storyboards, professional narration and music for the full length movie they had planned entitled "Dragon Lair The Legend". Truly amazing!

The story consists of how Dirk and Daphne met in addition to Mordrocs's origins as well as his transformation into Strun (Dirk's warrior nemesis) as well as Singe . The artwork is very definitely Bluth and I can't tell, but the narrator sounds a lot like the narrator for the games. The story appears to be a conglomeration of DL, DL2 and Sea Beast. It appears to be about 90% complete so it ends right before Dirk slays the dragon. I assume it was never finished.

To date, these storyboards and the accompanying story from 1984 have not surfaced and as far as I'm aware, Don Bluth had misplaced them. Bluth did create all new paper storyboards for their planned movie in the early 2000's which he unveiled at CGE 2001"

Now watch the VHS rip right here!

BZDDS (d-l-p website, original topic right here)


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Re: News on 'Dragons Lair' Movie...
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2012, 04:14:27 PM »
Hi Folks

I'm unable to see the VHS Rip on youtube...

It says it's private  :(

Any other link to share ?

Thanks !
Excuse my english... I'm a Swiss-French guy


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Re: News on 'Dragons Lair' Movie...
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2013, 07:57:17 PM »

I remember seeing that pic in a magazine, I think it was EGM, back in the early 2000's. I was so excited, thinking that a Dragon's Lair animated movie was finally going to be released. :(

"I recently acquired a VHS tape that was given from Don Bluth to Gary Gygax (the president of TSR -the company that created the role playing game, Dungeons & Dragons). It was given to Mr. Gygax in 1984 and they are now liquidating his estate.

The tape consists of the attract mode and full games for Dragons lair, Space Ace and Dragons Lair 2 (although DL 2 is unfinished and it plays to opera style/classical music instead of dialogue with intermittent black and white full motion sketches).

At the end of the tape there is an 8 minute segment with storyboards, professional narration and music for the full length movie they had planned entitled "Dragon Lair The Legend". Truly amazing!

The story consists of how Dirk and Daphne met in addition to Mordrocs's origins as well as his transformation into Strun (Dirk's warrior nemesis) as well as Singe . The artwork is very definitely Bluth and I can't tell, but the narrator sounds a lot like the narrator for the games. The story appears to be a conglomeration of DL, DL2 and Sea Beast. It appears to be about 90% complete so it ends right before Dirk slays the dragon. I assume it was never finished.

To date, these storyboards and the accompanying story from 1984 have not surfaced and as far as I'm aware, Don Bluth had misplaced them. Bluth did create all new paper storyboards for their planned movie in the early 2000's which he unveiled at CGE 2001"

Now watch the VHS rip right here!

Oh, man! I would love to watch that video but it says that "This video is private." Is there any other way I can watch it? Thanks!


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Re: News on 'Dragons Lair' Movie...
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2013, 12:14:06 PM »
On this Don Bluth interview done for the 30th anniversary of the game, here's some news about THE movie  :P  :arrow:

Question: A lot of fans would love to see a Dragons Lair Movie, we need to see some traditional animation back in theaters, what are your thoughts?

Don’s Answer: I would love to see a Dragon’s Lair movie! I think, like you’ve indicated in some other questions, it all comes down to the funding. Right now, unfortunately I think what’s happening is that the big studios have a monopoly on distribution. The studios don’t believe that traditional animation will get an audience to the theater, and because of that they’ve gone in the direction of the CGI. With CGI, they believe that the young generation will go see it and so they’ve stayed with that medium because they feel that’s a safe investment.

Now I don’t know why, I only have a theory, but young boys feel that they can’t look at traditional animation. I think it has something to do with the teen years, growing up, coming of age, and not wanting to be classified as being a child anymore. Maybe Disney is responsible for this because for so long Disney has made traditional animation for the teenagers and little children. So what happens is the kids know these movies are for kids and when they start growing up they don’t want to go where the kids go; they want to go where the grownups go. They have to have something more sophisticated, and I think that’s why they actually pushed away from traditional animation.

Question: Financing is always a major roadblock, what do you think about Kickstarter? A lot of productions are being funded this way.

You know it’s funny you should say that because I had a phone conversation with Gary Goldman about 3 days ago and that’s exactly what he is working on.  He’s trying to get us a Kickstarter page up and running to try and raise some money to fund a project. I’m even making a video to put up on the Kickstarter page.


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Re: News on 'Dragons Lair' Movie...
« Reply #10 on: June 21, 2013, 10:10:18 PM »
Awesome! If they do go the Kickstarter route, I'm donating!


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Re: News on 'Dragons Lair' Movie...
« Reply #11 on: October 25, 2015, 09:15:35 PM »
According the latest 'Traditional Animation' show( see here) with Don Bluth and Gary Goldman interview, a kickstarter project is about to begin!  :-*
Can't wait to see that!!!

 :spaceace: :spaceace: :spaceace:


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Re: News on 'Dragons Lair' Movie...
« Reply #13 on: October 29, 2015, 04:54:45 AM »
Hopefully this really happens! I've made my pledge. Too bad I will have to settle for the Dirk pin! The Daphne statue would be nice to go with the Electric Tiki one! I wish they would make a Dirk statue!


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Re: News on 'Dragons Lair' Movie...
« Reply #14 on: November 24, 2015, 09:06:35 PM »
Campaign on Kickstarter has been canceled... but ... a new campaign will start the 1st of December... stay tuned, Dragons!

Link is already available, right here.