Could someone please help me especially on this one:
I really want to buy it and i can send him a courier to retire the cabinet also.
Please someone help me getting in touch with this seller.
I see very often Super Hang On upr. for sale. Is it so hard to find in Italy?
I've just sent him a mail for you, I'll let you know if the cab is still available. 
Thank you Bruno.
Here in Italy is not so easy to find cabinets...especially old ones...
I spoke with many operators here and all of them told me that they want to pay taxes on those old
machines so they broke them into pieces or burnt them.
Someone also told me they buries working cabinets....

You've to go in very old places to try to find cabs...
Maybe i can go to find a good place (600km far away from me) in some weeks.
Let me know if they come back to you Bruno.
Thank you.