Yeah, thanks again for that Etienne !!!!!
Actually, the "puzzle" did help me a lot, and that was preventing a road trip of 1700km and discovering that the PP wouldn't fit in the South of France....!!! Now THAT would have hurt even more !!
About the space: well, I will need some space for the Video Pinball anyway so that's a good thing !
I have to give a lot of credits to the seller too, he was very reasonable about it (although of course also disappointed). We handled it as gentlemen and I paid his E-bay costs, which of course was the least I could do...
About Alpha1's Jap cockpits: Well, apart from probably costing (about) the same for the trip (and I think Olly may want a bit more for it then I had won the French PP for....which makes sense) I'm going to be honest here and say that I think the Namco version is not as nice looking as the Atari is. I really like the shape of the Atari much better. I also like the "cockpit" better, that is the steering wheel (even though the Jap steering wheel is more realistic, I really like the over-sized American styled Atari wheel). But the entire dashboard looks a bit.....I don't know, just not my style....
BUT I am first to admit that they are cool _because_ they are the original Namco version.
About PP: as usual, I do a lot of "homework" when I know that I am going to buy/get a new machine. (I already knew the main problems with SW before I even brought it home

If you are a bit interested there is a load of (technical) documentation from the Irish factory right here: all the way down and there are some great docs about PP there.
Interesting stuff, lot's of problems with the hardware (as we already knew).