Yes I've always been an Atarian ever since the 2600.
I do believe that the Atari 8bit machines were more impressive because they were released in 1979. At that time they were without a single doubt the most powerful homecomputers. IBM actually considered buying Atari because of this machine ! (GOD why didn't they.....)
The Atari was still up to the C64 when that arrived 4 years later (!).
Yes the SID was a more flexibel sound chip, but the POKEY smoked it on the BASS sound.
In graphics, the only thing better on the C64 were the sprites. But the 8-bit Atari's had "Player/Missile" graphics. Although much less powerful, remember they were conceived in 1978, when the game graphics were still very simple !
In almost every other aspect the Atari 8 bits were better than the C64.
-The (D)OS
-The Basic (which actually supported the colors, graphics and sound of the hardware, unlike C64's PET basic
-The much faster floppy disk drive
-The SIO port (the forerunner of USB !!)
-The number of available colors
-hardware scrolling
-much better keyboard with key-clicks
-a power supply that you could NOT cook eggs on....
-much better looking
I also liked "strange" things about the Atari, f.i. that you can hear the cassettes and floppy's loading with the beeps. If something went wrong you could already hear it in a lot of cases.
However, the C64 sure outsold the Atari. The price was the reason in the first period. Marketing was also very smart and strong at Commodore.
2000 floppies is a LOT wow. I didn't have that much, but still quite a collection. Do you still have some ?
Maybe KA did blank out the screen on the 48k Machines only ? Doesn't seem likely because the speech is mostly processor demanding, not memory.
It sure doesn't on the XEGS (which is basically an Atari 800XL, so 64K).
I also don't remember it from my very first system (600XL with 1064 memory module).
Fort Apocalypse is BRILLIANT. Loved that and played it a lot.
My favorites:
- Bounty Bob Strikes Back
- Miner 2049er
- Donkey Kong (and Jr.)
- ALLEY CAT !!!! (NO other version even came CLOSE to the Atari (original)
- The Great Amarican Cross Country Road Race
- Master of the lamps
- Pitfall II
- BC's quest for tires
- Bruce Lee
and of course Rescue on fractalus (Behind Jaggi Lines, yes I had the famous LEAKED version, like most of us did

) This was the first game that ever scared the shit out of me !
I only had the same experience later with Unreal...(the 1 player version).
My favorite demo: Passionatly ! (Remember that ? this is probably running to fast for our European taste, PAL/NTSC thing I guess....)