A couple of months ago i bought a Donkey Kong cabinet from paul 50's. As you know the cabinet was quite expensive but because owning a Nintendo cab (especially a Donkey Kong) was a dream of mine i decided to go for it. The cab wasn't working but on first sight it seems to be in reasonable state. It's almost complete and only missing part of the wire harness. It's an early version and houses a 4 board pcb, that maybe still includes the ladder cheat.
Here are some pictures:

Part of the side art is still there, but of course i need to replace it.

The serial number.

The marque is in good condition.

Part of the wood on the back door is broken off, that needs to be fixed.

The monitor showed some jail bars so I'll need a cap kit, still took it out and cleaned it.

same goes for the power supply.

the coin door will also need some work.

Here is a picture of the CPO, it's in an okay state, but I have to replace the discolored button with an original one or get some brand new ones. But take a look at the damage above the control panel and under the bezel, that needs to be fixed!

The outside of the cab is still in great state, but there are 2 problems on the frond of the cab.

As you see there is still a lot of work to do. So i decided to invest the money i got from selling my After Burner and Operation Wolf in the Donkey Kong and not buying another (non working) cabinet.
To sum things up:
Fix the PCB - Robin is working on it, thanks again, and take your time.

Get the missing wire harness part - dokert from klov is making a new one for me.
Fix the coin door - A friend of my brother is going to powder coat it.
Get some new t-molding - Already got some from level42.
Get some new side art - I just ordered some from quaterarcade.
Still to do:
Cap the monitor - I'm asking around for prices, maybe a electronic repair shop next door can do the job.
Fix the wood on the back.
buy new instruction stickers.
Replace the buttons (or find one original Nintendo button).
Repair the chipped wood and maybe apply some fresh paint on the whole cabinet.
Fix the part below the bezel.
Clean the joystick and buttons.