Yeah, indeed, Cool. Thanks for posting this one.

Road trip within a few days.

Nice thing about this cab is that the side art seems to be made for the game, there is the same saucerer on the marquee and on the bezel.
@Bela, I couldn't let go this one, knowing that Moon Crest(a) is one of my alltime favourites, played it quite a lot in the eighties, together with Phoenix and Crazy Kong (that's why ckong is my nick). The lady seller told me that she didn't know what is in the cab.
I suppose that it will be just as a surprise for me. But I noticed that the CP is not hacked, so I have good hopes. and if there is not a Moon Crest PCB in it, then I will use the original Moon Cresta board that I have.
And if I get it working, then it might be a candidate for Eurocade 2012, you can enjoy it then (And Etiènne is able to scan stuff which isn't available yet).