I am at my customer now, and i received a call on my cell that the print that i ordered was ready for pickup.
I was investigating other options since the first prints did not pass the "Etienne's high quality control check"

it looked like a inkjet print wich was laminated afterwards (logic) and it looked like there are minescule airbubbles, like a orangeskin.
So i gave it a try at another printer who was adviced to me by a good customer who does all his printing there..
Anyway, the printer is close to where i am working now, so me and the customer went for a drive

We picked up the print and here i am back in the office..

I was in evaluation with them for different options, and the final result is printed on transparent adhesive vinyl.
The printer and i discussed the option of printing straight to plexi, but he adviced me to go this way since printing straight to plexi is very difficult and would not give the desired result in the end.
I folowed his advice (who am i to judge a man with years of experience

So the print is as folows:
printed in mirror on the non adhesive side of the transparent vinyl with a white laminate over that to prevent transparancy.
The vinyl must be sticked to the back of the plexi, and you will not see the adhesive he says..
Here it is , not much to see with the adhesive side covered....
also the back is totally white so nothing to see in the back neither..

Instructions label area..

one - two player area..

I could not resist to peel the sticker a little and see the results

I let them do the bezel and the corresponding marquee in one go to prevent color differences..
sorry for the flash..

The colors look so much better than the first two prints, and this is even in the side of the adhesive, so you can "see" the glue
wich will be nonvisible after applying to the Plexi

I am happy i made the desicion to try it one more time with a different printer.
the guy told me the machine they used to print this was brand new and installed last week.
also he told me it was not silkscreened, but plotted wich give a better result than normal printing according to him.
The advice for applying he gave me was to wet the surface and sticker with a nozzle spray with water, just like you apply window foil
then drop the sticker on it and remove the air / water bubbles with a windowwasher :

After that the water will be pushed out and the little remaining will vaporate and then its tight he says..