ok guys, with "paul's container thread" taking up most of our attention this is probably not the best time to post this, but who knows? i went on a little roadtrip today where i visited two warehouses / storage units. some very important information first: i don't know ANYTHING about functionality of those cabs you're about to see NOR how much the owner wants for them. he told me to think about what i'm interested in first, send him a list with the names, then he's going to check the function of those games and give me some prices. he's a pretty old dude (around 75), so i'm not sure what to expect. anyway, here are some pictures i took

the first number of games where located in a gaming establishment in a storage room labelled "private". here's the building from the outside

inside, totally disappointing at first: just universal cabinets like hellomat

the only thing that looked promising was stuffed away in the corner: a pole position ii cabinet which seems to be in pretty good condition

without any high hopes, i went to the second location (the main building) which is about 30 kilometers away

the first thing i saw when i entered the main storage area were tons of old pinball machines, but since i'm not interested into "flipper", i only took one picture

then we turned to the arcade machine and here's my first glance at some of them

one (of two) pole positions

this one was labelled as "not working" (rom error), but i could have guessed that without the sticker. c'mon, it's a pole position

next to the pole position one (of two) gauntlets - this one has the full sideart

here's that gauntlet again! as you can see, two of the atari logo joysticks have been replaced, but all in all i'd describe the condition as GOOD!

in front of the gauntlet, a tehkan world cup. from what i know, this is a fun two-player game

the "stadium overlay" is in good condition as well (hard to tell from that picture, in know)

right behind the tehkan world cup, the second pole position

difficult to photograph, because it was blocked from the front, so i only managed to snap this picture of the control panel

back to back with "his brother", the second gauntlet - no sideart at all, at least on one side. next to it a converted missile command

the control panel of the missile command has been replaced, don't know what's inside now and what's left of the original stuff. the sides look much better than on michael's MC though

the sign says that it has been converted

up next: asteroids

as far as i can tell, no sideart on the right side of the cabinet

control panel

cardboard monitor bezel still very colorful

marquee seems to be in great shape

then a game you don't see too often: super sprint

this would look pretty nice after some good cleaning

note that the entire text on the cardboard monitor bezel is in german - one reason why i should get it

(although i'm totally out of money atm)

and finally - you might have already spotted it - a paperboy

there are two sega hang ons in there as well (one of them can be seen on the warehouse overview picture), but i forgot to take detailed photos of them - but they are available!
as i've said before: i don't know if those games are working (except for the one pole position) and i don't know any prices yet, but simply shoot me a message or post here if you are interested, perhaps we could get another bulk deal going. note that i retain the right of first refusal if those games are really cheap, for 50 bucks a piece i'm going to take them all

. since the location is not too far away from me, i'd be willing to pick them up and i'd also be able to store them in
The Storage™ for as long as you like.
although there were no
real rarities in the warehouse, it was fun going there PLUS the excitement and uncertainty of what to see / discover was priceless!