A scope is the best logic probe 
btw andre your ms-pacman pcb and your puckman pcb is working 
Sorry for the thread-hack but WAHOOOO !!!!! THANK YOU ROBIN !!!
(Out of curiosity, what was the Ms.Pac problem ?)
I agree about the scope, but the logic probe is a (very)cheap, quick and handy device for some first diagnostics. It's also very easy to operate (no or few things to set).
@Ully: I've dropped my Flukes (ALL the employers I worked for equipped their technical stuff with Fluke's, no exception) at least several times and sometimes from a reasonable height (couple of meters). They never got damaged from it. To be honest, the meters I use(d) have a separate (yellow) rubber sleeve that goes around it to protect it. I do see some yellow rubbery looking surrounding on the Chinese Fluke, but I don't think it's a separate sleeve, however, you won't be doing any measuring at much higher than 1.50 meter I guess.
Normally the only thing that can go wrong with a DVM is when you set it up to measure current (A) and then put the leads straight onto f.i. a battery or other voltage source. The fuse inside the meter will die right away. And yes, even pro's sometimes screw up and blow a fuse (I always have a spare with me

Yes the box mentions Not for sale outside of China. I do think that you won't get any service from a local Fluke representative, but hey, it's a Fluke. NONE of the Flukes I ever used (at least 5) ever broke down.
The only drawback against the Flukes that I use that I can see is that the batteries are penlite type. They will run a bit less long then the usual 9V block battery, but then again, those batteries last for AGES. I use the Fluke about every day (although honestly only for short periods) but I hardly ever replace a battery.
B.t.w. don't expect anything of the capacity measuring feature. My Flukes never had it and there's a reason (apart from not really needing it in my work): It says very little about a capacitor.
A bad (electrolytic) cap will probably give a reasonable (caps usually have large tolerances of about 20%) capacitance value, but the real problem with drying out caps is that the ESR (serial resistance) will increase. You can't measure that with any DVM. There are special devices to measure this.