I have bought this Cocktail table whit the game moon cresta in it. It isn't a original Moon Cresta but what game it is i don't know.
The problem whit the game is that is isn't displaying enemies names of hi score intro en weird line of colors on top of the screen.
Now i have tried to take out the eeroms and clean the legs and putting them back whit some contact spray but that diden't work. I also tried to clean the edge connector and respan the pins of the connector like i did whit all my nintendo's
I'm not afraid of soldering and i can get all the parts i need from school so that cant be a problem its just that i don't know what it is. The caps seem fine and the board looks clean except the stuff the previous owner did near the edge connector.
Also if you know what the original game please tell me because i cant seem to find it.
P.S Its a PCB from the company gauselmann

the table

the top instructions.

top of the pcb

back of the pcb
Hope somebody can help me!
Bought it from arcadecollection thanks again for the great deal!