Level 42 20' RECEIVED
CKONG 20' RECEIVED (Personally handed over)
Muerto 60' I think I will ship it together with the Berzerk parts right Michael ? (Waiting for CP to be finished)
Robinholland 20' RECEIVED (Personally handed over)
Brry71 20'


Darthnuno 20' RECEIVED
falcon NL 20' RECEIVED (Personally handed over)
Gyruss 20' RECEIVED (Personally handed over)
Superully 20' RECEIVED (Personally handed over)
RonaldReagan 20' Guess I should have handed it to Gyruss !! (I forgot sorry)
@Falcon: No problem, I was on the way back home and was traveling almost through your place anyway so no trouble at all. No offense but I was a bit surprised about your age, good to see the younger people into this hobby too !

@Brry71 Please let me know if you want me to ship it or you pick it up. Depending on work I could be in your area maybe soon
Same for RonaldReagen, I maybe in your area in some time so I may be able to drop it off. PM me your address to be sure ( it fits through a regular mailbox)