i have added a "new" game to my classic b/w collection

i like that button on the marquee which says "press to clear highscore!"

apart from the beat-up base, the cabinet is in ok condition (it also has the step for smaller people, but i had to remove it in order to fit the cabinet into my car - this game is huuuge

!!! it is
by far the tallest game in my collection, even bigger that berzerk. the seller couldn't believe that we managed to get it into my car and i could still close the trunk deck - my car is a phenomenon when it comes to transporting cabs)

the artwork is pretty much there, but can definitely use a good scrubbing

don't you just l-o-v-e that artwork?

as you can see, the typical rust on the periscope's handles

unfortunately, the monitor has been damaged, BUT i know a german collector who has parted out a completely water- and wood worm-damaged battlezone cabinet and who kindly agreed to give me all the parts he salvaged FOR FREE

you can see that a part of the base has broken off (however, i have that plank set aside to reattach it later)

the following picture basically shows everything that's left of the cabinet's back - the door is missing entirely

although the cabinet could be in better condition, i'm extremely happy with my latest catch. it was listed as "u-boat game" on ebay with no mentioning of "midway" or "sea wolf", so i got it for cheap