here are some close-up photos of the acid damage on the BSC board

what is strange though is the fact that there's only (visible) damage on the sides of the board (both at the top and at the bottom) PLUS corrosion on the color ram chip in the middle.
here's a picture of the BSC board which i took directly after i brought the game home a couple of months ago. you can clearly see on the top left of the picture one of the damaged flat cables and the corrosion on it which obviously also damaged the BSC board itself!

just to clear things up: this damaged BSC board has already been replaced by a working one and i had the game up and running with it for two days - then i moved the game around to install a new power cord and all i get since then is three beeps. i didn't change ANYTHING inside. is it possible that something could be wrong with the replacement power cord itself?
michael is going to send me his BSC board on tuesday. he tested it this afternoon in his machine, here's what he told me about the test (hope you don't mind, michael):
when i tested the BSC it worked the first time, with no problems at all.
then i removed it again, and replaced it with my own and powered the machine up.... and nothing happened...!
i had to mengle a bit with the cabels (of course with the machine shut off) and tried a few times, and on the 3rd time it gave me the 8 famous beeps, and was running again! the conclution is that the cables/connectors are _VERY_ sensitive, or there was a dead spot somewhere.....could it be there's something wrong with my connections? as i've said before, sometimes i get a jumbled up picture, sometimes i don't get a picture at all. the only thing i always get is the beeps - at least some consistency