Author Topic: [Restoration] Waka Waka Waka (Pac-Man)  (Read 62047 times)


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Re: [Restoration] Waka Waka Waka
« Reply #45 on: April 03, 2010, 12:36:50 PM »

here's an update on my pac resto. short version: IT'S RUINED!!!  :'(

just a few pics to show you the results! after letting the blue paint dry for more than a week, i removed the stencils and huge parts of the color came off  :arrow:

i did some touchups where necessary  :arrow:

it wasn't perfect, but something i could (probably) have lived with  :arrow:

then i sprayed on the red (which worked better than the blue, don't ask me why) and afterwards the black. when i removed the stencils yesterday, more parts of the blue came off  :arrow:

i have no idea what went wrong here, i shook the paint well, i gave it a lot of drying time, but somehow it just didn't want to stick to the surface. the results are totally unacceptable, which means i have to start (almost) from scratch. i might try rolling on the paint this time (although i don't have a perfect color match for that) and i might even try a different set of stencils.

just wanted to let you guys know that not everything is going smoothly on the "superully resto front"! this was a hard blow (which cost me some serious money), but i will recover - although it hurts a lot to see it everytime i walk into the resto room. i will have to get the paint off the pac as soon as possible!

for now, here's where i stand  :arrow:  :'( :'( :'(
all i need is ... PONG - and a select few others: TOUCH ME, DRAGON'S LAIR, JOUST, ROBOTRON, MR DO, SAN FRANCISCO RUSH THE ROCK!!!

Etienne MacGyver

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Re: [Restoration] Waka Waka Waka
« Reply #46 on: April 03, 2010, 04:20:36 PM »
That is a serious setback  :(

but im sure you will make it fine next time

not everything goes well at first try

anyway , i feel with you and goodluck


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Re: [Restoration] Waka Waka Waka
« Reply #47 on: April 03, 2010, 06:00:07 PM »
That is very sad looks like you're in a small dip re. the hobby....

From what I've read the stencils are supposed to be removed when the paint is "tacky" which I translate to being between wet and dry.

But what do I know, the box of stencils for Joust is still scaring the hell out of me ;)


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Re: [Restoration] Waka Waka Waka
« Reply #48 on: April 03, 2010, 06:40:43 PM »
From what I've read the stencils are supposed to be removed when the paint is "tacky" which I translate to being between wet and dry.

you read this and then you read that, e.g. phetishboy removed the stencils on one side during his moon patrol resto when the paint was still tacky - parts of the paint came off. the other side the paint dried for 15 hours - worked like a charm. the guy who sent me the paint had the paint dry for one week! i guess there's learning curve involved in this, it also depends on the paint you're using. i did some testing before i tried my paint on the pac, it worked wonderfully there, don't know what went wrong this time!

But what do I know, the box of stencils for Joust is still scaring the hell out of me ;)

you should have seen the pac stencils  ;)

That is very sad looks like you're in a small dip re. the hobby....

i totally agree! i'm a little bit depressed atm - right at the beginning of the holidays where i have a looooot of time. if only i could get that berzerk up and running again ... (see my berzerk thread)
all i need is ... PONG - and a select few others: TOUCH ME, DRAGON'S LAIR, JOUST, ROBOTRON, MR DO, SAN FRANCISCO RUSH THE ROCK!!!


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Re: [Restoration] Waka Waka Waka
« Reply #49 on: April 03, 2010, 08:05:09 PM »
What a misfortune Ully, all that work for nothing. What can have gone wrong, paint too dry, too wet? Could it be that the surface wasn't clean enough, a little 'greasy' perhaps which caused that the paint didn't stuck well? Is spraing paint not the way to go?

I don't know, but as Estienne said, it's a setback which you can and will overcome. Keep up the good work with all your restorations. I'm always impressed with the thorougness of your work and one day your pac-man will shine.


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Re: [Restoration] Waka Waka Waka
« Reply #50 on: April 03, 2010, 09:29:43 PM »
Ouch!!! This is my fear Ully  :? :ghost:

I'll see what happens with BurgerTime (I hope to start work within two weeks)  :P :roll:

At this point I'll try with the foam roller ...

Galaga - PacMan - Donkey Kong Red Cab - Track & Field Upright - Tempest - Burgertime - Gyruss - Defender - Track & Field Cocktail - Robotron 2084


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Re: [Restoration] Waka Waka Waka
« Reply #51 on: April 03, 2010, 09:43:49 PM »
Sorry to see that Ully.  Even if you did remove the stencil with the paint still wet or tacky and got perfect lines.  That blue paint would have peeled off anyway when you used the second layer stencils and then peeled it back.  Must have been a bad can of blue if the other colors were good.


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Re: [Restoration] Waka Waka Waka
« Reply #52 on: April 03, 2010, 11:52:47 PM »
Ouch!!! This is my fear Ully  :? :ghost:
At this point I'll try with the foam roller ...

stencilling is a damn difficult job which i don't like AT ALL, because you have to invest both a lot of time and money - and when you finally pull the stencils off it is either a winner or a disaster. in my case it was the latter! DAMN!!!
all i need is ... PONG - and a select few others: TOUCH ME, DRAGON'S LAIR, JOUST, ROBOTRON, MR DO, SAN FRANCISCO RUSH THE ROCK!!!

Etienne MacGyver

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Re: [Restoration] Waka Waka Waka
« Reply #53 on: April 04, 2010, 07:01:30 AM »
You can temporaly change your avatar...  ;D


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Re: [Restoration] Waka Waka Waka
« Reply #54 on: April 04, 2010, 08:41:43 AM »
your wish is my command, etienne!
all i need is ... PONG - and a select few others: TOUCH ME, DRAGON'S LAIR, JOUST, ROBOTRON, MR DO, SAN FRANCISCO RUSH THE ROCK!!!


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Re: [Restoration] Waka Waka Waka
« Reply #55 on: April 04, 2010, 10:02:36 AM »
Well, we all screw up from time to time in this hobby. I've done it plenty of times (Berzerk bezel, the first sheet of vinyl on the SW cockpit, the metal parts on the SW cockpit (should have gone with powder coating for that one right away ;)).

Not to mention my failure in installing vinyl in my gameroom. I had put soft tiles under it, and it was already wacky feeling when it was done. Then we brought in the SW cab and it tore the vinyl almost completely in the length of the room ! Turned out there was one of the legs still on the machine and it was half broken, almost like a knife. Cost me more than a set of stencils I think.....but the good thing is I immediately decided to use tiles instead and I never regretted it.


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Re: [Restoration] Waka Waka Waka
« Reply #56 on: April 04, 2010, 02:27:07 PM »
This really sucks, but I'm sure you will fix it eventually. So keep your head up and think about all the successful restorations you have done in the past.


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Re: [Restoration] Waka Waka Waka
« Reply #57 on: April 04, 2010, 02:40:50 PM »
So keep your head up and think about all the successful restorations you have done in the past.


 :spaceace: :spaceace:

Galaga - PacMan - Donkey Kong Red Cab - Track & Field Upright - Tempest - Burgertime - Gyruss - Defender - Track & Field Cocktail - Robotron 2084


Q*bert - Timber


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Re: [Restoration] Waka Waka Waka
« Reply #58 on: April 08, 2010, 02:45:15 PM »

the restoration continues ...

ok, you've all read what happened to my pac-man stencil job. here's how it came about and what happened next ...

let's warp back in time

here's where we left off: the blue color has been applied

after sitting in a warm room for about a week, i'm carefully removing the stencils

looking good for the most part, although there are some rough edges here and there which normally should be totally straight

and then there are spots like this  :'( (you've seen that picture before, but i wanted to show it again)

nevertheless - after some touch ups - i continue with the second color: RED! the instructions on the stencils tell me what to do: align the red stencil with the registration marks from the blue stencil

like this  :arrow:

difficult to get a 100% match because of the sheer size of the stencils, but i was told it's going to work well with some tolerance!

after some careful alignment, i'm fixing the vinyl to the cabinet

as you can see, well within tolerance limits!

and here's the cabinet, already protected for the upcoming paint job in my temporary paint booth

from the outside

from the inside

although i had prepped the floor of the paint booth much better this time, the paint job still created a mess on my floor

and on my shirt

my dusk mask - check out those filters!  :o i guess i would be dead by now if i hadn't worn it  :ghost:

of course- HE couldn't stay out of it!

back into the warm room with the cabinet for a couple of days to dry completely

time to remove those red stencils!

you can already spot the name of the game

but in other areas, the blue paint gets lifted off in huge chunks  >:(

but i'm not giving up, because the last color - black - is supposed to cover huge parts of the red and the blue. so let's apply the last set of stencils!

the left side

the front

swallow this, pac-man  ;D

after the first layer

and some layers later

which color was that again? :P

after more drying time in the well-known warm room ;), i'm removing the black stencils - and disaster strikes!!! :evil:

the front of the cabinet

if that wasn't bad enough, i'm spotting an error in the red stencils: there's red above pac-man's eyes where there should be yellow

i'm masking off the area for manual touch up

and while i'm at it, i'm fixing a problem which was already present on all the original pac-man cabinets - can you spot it?

NO? here's a close-up of the erroneous area  :arrow:

see it now? right, the C is missing the red color at the bottom. because this is a very delicate paint job, i have to make a stencil for it and in order to do so, i'm copying the shape on a sheet of paper

with the help of that template, i can cut the corresponding stencils by placing the template on top of blue painter's tape

the hand-made stencil on location (not 100% fixed though)

now i can simply paint away without having to worry about spills

the end result  :)

you might be wondering: "what about the rest of the cabinet?"

well, i had three options:

(1) strip down the cabinet completely and apply vinyl
(2) strip down the cabinet completely and start the paint job from scratch
(3) try to touch up the cabinet as good as possible

i decided against (1) because although vinyl isn't too difficult to apply and looks nice, it simply isn't original
i decided against (2) because it would have meant throwing away everything i had done so far without knowing whether it was going to work out the next time

PLUS: both (1) and (2) would have cost me a few hundred bucks - AGAIN  :(

so i decided to go with (3) because if it didn't look fair enough, i could still go with either (1) or (2)

for the last couple of days (thank god it's the school holidays right now) i've been manually touching up the entire cabinet artwork, which means taping off certain areas and trying to correct the damages with a tiny brush! since i don't have the color in paint cans, i have to spray the colors into small cups first  :arrow:

the job seems to be taking forever, because i always have to wait for the individual colors to dry before i can go on with the next one!

after a lot of struggle and hardship here's my pac-man where it stands right now  :-*

don't get me wrong, it looks totally nice on the picture, but in reality, you can see where i touched up the cabinet if you look closely, but this has reached a point where i can totally live with the results. right now, i'm waiting for some copyright message stencils from brian ( those weren't included in my stencil set and brian kindly cut me a couple of those - they are on their way to germany as we speak. after those have been applied, i'm going to protect the entire paint job with some coats of clear to (a) give the entire artwork a nice finish (b) even out the touched up parts (c) protect the paint job from more paint "falling off".

compared to where i was some days ago, this is like heaven and hell, day and night, asterix and obelix ;)

@etienne: can i change my avatar now?  :)

to be continued ...

all i need is ... PONG - and a select few others: TOUCH ME, DRAGON'S LAIR, JOUST, ROBOTRON, MR DO, SAN FRANCISCO RUSH THE ROCK!!!


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Re: [Restoration] Waka Waka Waka
« Reply #59 on: April 08, 2010, 03:08:00 PM »
 :arrow: (3) try to touch up the cabinet as good as possible

I would do the same choice than you at this point!

Too much money & time so far... I can understand the need to have the perfect job done, but in such case... it would involves -once again - too much time, stress, money, organization...

I'm sure the manual correction will be fine at the end  ;)

ps : ... and at the really end, nobody will see the side arts because your Pac Man will be between two other cabinets  ;D

Thanks for sharing your (good or bad) experience here  :-*