well, the new year is just a few days old and i'm back on the road again. i couldn't resist the temptation of bidding on the atari system 2 championship sprint which was listed on ebay germany a couple of days ago. and i got it CHEAP

although the seller is located in switzerland, the distance to be covered is less than other roadtrips i have done in germany.
here's what's coming up

although it's cold outside and there's still a lot of snow lying around, the road conditions should be ok. looking out of my kitchen window, everything is still peaceful and quiet.

for the record

and the travel projection

for the road, a nice little breakfast

not a lot of traffic on the german autobahns - and luckily no snow or ice

all of a sudden, the sky clears up and a bright yellow object appears. when did i see it the last time? it takes minutes for me to remember its name, but finally i succeed: the beautiful object in the sky is called

in case you guys are having a hard time, too, let me help you:

i'm parking my car on one of the rest areas to take a break. without realizing it, i'm pulling up next to that shiny mercedes

have a look at the licence plate - what a coincidence: SWITZERLAND

speaking of switzerland, without any further delays i arrive at the german-swiss border

"on the other side" i soon have to realize that i've entered a country i've never been to before. even the cows look different

a winter wonderland

but the roads are safe to drive on

this is where i have to go

i still wonder what's for sale down there

"captain, we have just reached our destination town!"

the cab is located in a storage building in an old army wing - i love that photo

i'm giving the seller a call that i have arrived. unfortunately he's telling me that he had to leave on an urgent matter, but he's sending down his daughter to open up the gate. sadly, she's in a hurry, so we don't have a lot of time for pictures

. this is the only one i'm able to snatch

championship sprint in the pit lane

crossing back into germany. the police are there, but they are busy going through a car just ahead of me, so i manage to slip through customs unnoticedly

by the side of the road i'm spotting this strange landmark: little paris - i wonder what it's there for

while driving home on the autobahn, i see a sign pointing towards germany's largest source of fresh water - the AACHQUELLE. "hmmm, never heard of it", i think to myself. but roadtrips are not just there for the games, but also for educational purposes and since i'm a teacher of geography, it's a good chance to educate myself a little bit further on that topic. so off the autobahn and on towards the water ...

as a had expected, nothing spectacular, but it's a nice short walk around a pool of water which i'm happily going to do

suddenly, i hear a strange noise, something like a donkey shouting! of course, i can't resist and have to check out where the sound is coming from ...
ah, here's the evil-doer - you can even see him (her?) shouting!

i don't wanna get too close, because i've heard of people being attacked by a goose. but i manage to take another picture

puuuh, what an adventure

time to head home (for good this time) and unload the game. once this is restored, it will look superb next to my paperboy

the end results are in
one continent, two countries, 662 kilometers, 9 hours 10 minutes on the road - this roadtrip is OFFICIALLY OVER!