So....follow up on this topic:
https://www.dragonslairfans.com/smfor/index.php?topic=1171.0Long story short, after a lot of trouble I managed to pick up a Sagaia cab, and my friend picked up a T2 while we were there

. Because of the trouble to arrange the pickup I didn't have time to take pictures and to be honest I didn't think of it either

. We had to hurry to get there in time, so that means my very first arcade roadtrip was really stressful

This is the route we've taken

A trip from my home (Zottegem) to my colleague with the van in Wetteren on to Munsterbilzen to pick up the Sagaia & T2. I didn't leave the country (Belgium) for my first road trip

One-way distance (according to routeplanner) :
165kmTotal road trip time:
~5 hoursConsumed food: None, no time for that now! Afterwards we picked up french fries and various kinds of processed meat from the 'frituur' or 'friterie' (Belgian & Dutch people will know what I mean

Consumed drinks: Coke, Fanta and a bottle of water after loading & unloading those heavy cabs

To make up for the non existing roadtrip pictures I did take some pictures of the cabs when we unloaded them.
Sagaia just unloaded

(that beast is heavy! 250 Kg)

First impression: overall good artwork, coin mechanisms missing, small mdf plate on the lower front & dust

Another picture with the cab moved to the back room

Picture of right side

Look at that beautiful artwork! It's also in very good condition. Only a small chip on the right top and some scratches in the letter "S". The two small black patches on the bottom used to be rubber I think, but they became hard & fragile over the years. Should be easy to get them off.
Left side

Very good condition, no damage to artwork at all. Only on the rear under the "S" the wood is splitted, so I'll have to repair that (tips?). It also needs a new T-molding, but that's our own fault, in the hurry we forgot to take enough blankets for protection. So we had to slide the cab on the back side into the van, scratching the t-molding. The splitted wood was already that way, not my fault!

I noticed my Sagaia has the "regular" level layout

I did power on the cab very briefly, and everything seemed to work fine. The joysticks were a bit worn out though. Only the second monitor (horizontal) has to be cleaned because it was a tad darker than the first. Maybe the monitor has to be realligned a bit too. Pictures will follow soon.
Now, some pictures of my colleague's T2

Overall, good condition, only a little damage on the right side.
But this cab has a bigger problem

Sorry for the blurry picture, but the game halts at this screen "RAM CHIPS BAD". The colors are way off, so you can't see green or red so we couldn't figure out which was the "good" color and the "bad" color. After some fiddling we found the monitor test and found the RGB test, Red is blue, green is pink and blue is purple

. So ram chips displayed in blue are supposed to be red

Would a degauss wand solve the color problem, or is the problem somewhere else on the chassis or pcb's?
Unplanned, but it turned out to be a first roadtrip for both of us

.......and I have a feeling it won't be our last......

Updates & more pictures will follow very soon!