Well, it's now time to start the last step and maybe the hardest part on this project : find a way to use the original signal coming from the GT6 flight yokes, and use them to into the original SCPH-1110 PSX Analog Joystick controller. Of course, all of this without any original hardware modification.
One solution has already be found, by KinKin, as explained at the beginning of this topic, by the use of a custom controller who transforms the GT6 potentiometers value into the right value expected by the the PSX analogue controller. Here's the custom controller :

The good new, he shared the schema to built it, here it is

But here's the problem : that ATMEGA88 has to be programmed with a special code, and I unfortunately don't have it.

I tried to contact Kinkin and other members of the UGSF Japan to ask for this code, but don't received any reply so far... hope they will al last see my request here!

Without that code, I'm stuck with that solution.

So I'll have to figure out an other way to reach my goal. So let's study how the original GT6 flight yoke work.
The first thing to know is the value of the potentiometers used... let's dismantle one of the 6 flight yokes :

Arf, this is not enough... too much things to remove before reaching them... I do not want to dismantle everything just to read the value on the potentiometer itself!... Let's check the documentation and find out the potentiometers signals :

Ah, ok! It's written 1KΩ on the schema, but let's check the value on the pins by myself... I anyway will have to study these connectors....
So yes, it is 1KΩ potentiometers value used in there...

The Y value goes from 0,174 KΩ to 0,466 KΩ
The X value goes from 0,580 KΩ to 0,150 KΩ