Author Topic: [Roadtrip] Breaking Out the Berzerks  (Read 32660 times)


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[Roadtrip] Breaking Out the Berzerks
« on: November 22, 2009, 07:20:01 PM »
you've read ckong's ride and checked out muerto's trip - now it's time for my side of the story. rest assured, there are parts and pictures you haven't seen yet  ;)

preface: a couple of weeks ago an old breakout was offered on the dutch marketplace. i offered the guy 200 euros, because it would really make a nice addition to my collection of classic b/w games, but unfortunately (looking back now, i have to say LUCKILY) it was sold to someone else for 300 euros - which imho is too much for it! when andré posted his pics of the warehouse raid, i immediately spotted those breakout machines and thought "this is my chance". PLUS: andré was kind enough to sell one of his three berzerk machines to me, so now i had a problem: two machines, one car, not enough space in it. a masterplan had to be drawn up  :twisted:

here's what's coming up  :arrow:

this might be one of the few roadtrips where i don't have to start in the middle of the night, because andré has set up the warehouse meet'n'greet at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. it's nice to see the sun for a change when you start your trip!

statistics - how you love them  ;D

belgium or netherlands - whatever

only 1000 meters to go - netherlands, here i come!

what a small country you guys have - only 500 meters later i'm almost in belgium  ;)  8)

nothing spectacular on the belgium roads, ...

... until i see THIS!!! signs and portents. all i can say is FIGHT LIKE A CHICKEN (berzerk players know what i'm talking about). this is hilarious!!!

crossing antwerpen gives me the creeps: a lot of traffic!

now on to the warehouse part: you've seen so many pics of it already, i'm going to spare you seeing the same cabs from different angles, so just a few shots and remarks which are worth mentioning!

here's michael (after travelling more than 1000 kilometers one way  :spaceace:) pointing out this cab's fabulous sideart

and here's the machine which i SHOULD HAVE TAKEN  :( the problem would have been to get it back to germany (more on that later). if i ever get to go to the warehouse again and the atari basketball is still there, i'm going to take it no matter what. the bezel setup is simply an incredible piece of work (hard to tell from the pic), it's set up in three dimensions so that you get the impression you're one of the spectators. FABULOUS!!! damn, why didn't i take it with me? i'm sure it would have been as cheap as the breakouts!

and then there's the two family photo album shots - one for me, one for michael

man, i'm dirty. that's what you get from squeezing through narrow rows of dirty cabs. i had a hard time choosing between taking the breakout or the super breakout. i would have loved to take both of them, because - as you can see - they are both in wonderful condition and it would have been wonderful to have them side by side in a gameroom, but once again there would have been the transportation problem. so i decided to go with the breakout, because it's the original breakout game and i like the sideart / the marquee much better! still, seeing the nice condition of the super breakout brings tears to my eyes  :'(

after the "enormous" warehouse raid, i'm following michael in his car to andre´s place. because of some navigational masterpiece  ;), we end up here  :arrow:

€5,50 for using a tunnel - that sucks  :evil:

back at andre´s place, i'm unloading the breakout. "WHY?", you might ask. the answer's coming right up ...

andré was kind enough to give the breakout temporary shelter in his gameroom. you're the man, man!

now that my car is empty again, we can go on a short ride to one of andre's friends. once again: you lead, i follow!

mr t. - backing up the van

as you remember, andré not only brought back one berzerk, but he went completely berzerk when he discovered THREE of them in the now famous warehouse. those were stored at a friend's garage, until a guy from germany and one from denmark showed up at his doorstep to snatch them from under his nose  ;)

andré - let go of those berzerks!!! (love the pic by the way  :-*)

out goes the super breakout, in goes a berzerk

in goes the super breakout again - on top of the berzerk. is that going to hold or will they budge during the long ride home?

luckily, michael's a carpenter and he's got all the tools he needs "on board"!

michael would have made a bet that the other berzerk won't fit in my car and it really was a close call, but in the end ... WE GOT IT IN! driving back home won't be as comfortable as it used to be, but this way it's harder to fall asleep  :D

why the exchange? andré gave me two bags of metal pieces to have powdercoated for him at the company which is always doing my stuff. their work is outstanding and the prices are good. most of the pieces are for his star wars cockpit, so he wants to have them as nicely as possible. once they're all done, he's coming over to my place to pick them up in person (so that they won't get damaged or lost during transport) . since the berzerk is so much bigger and heavier than the breakout, we had to do the exchange. now andré can easily fit in the breakout in his car - which would not have been possible to do with the berzerk! have i said MASTERPLAN before?  8)

back to the roadtrip, because this is not the end of the story! there's more fun to be had in andre's gameroom

nice and cosy inside (or should i say CROWDED? ;)), but the gameroom is a piece of work. nice job on that!!!

time to play some games

power drift

obviously michael has had enough - he's beat (which i can totally understand)

for various reasons i've decided against staying overnight, so at around an hour to midnight i'm back on the road! after some boring uncomfortable hours in the car, i'm passing by frankfurt airport. this is always a good sign, only a little bit more than an hour to go!

suddenly fog rolls in

but this doesn't stop me from reaching my home town safe and sound

as always, the final results are in:

one continent, three countries, 1326 kilometers, 20 hours 40 minutes on the road - this roadtrip is OFFICIALLY OVER!

p.s.: i paid 70 euros for the breakout  :)

« Last Edit: November 22, 2009, 08:01:38 PM by Superully »
all i need is ... PONG - and a select few others: TOUCH ME, DRAGON'S LAIR, JOUST, ROBOTRON, MR DO, SAN FRANCISCO RUSH THE ROCK!!!


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Re: [Roadtrip] Breaking Out the Berzerks
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2009, 07:55:17 PM »
Excellent as allways ully!
Wery nice to meet you once more!
and BTW, my cabs survived the trip home! - they (and i don´t know how!!!!) maneged to make a baby cab leying on top of eachother!!! - a BREZERK  :lol: :lol: :lol:
« Last Edit: November 22, 2009, 08:26:16 PM by Muerto »


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Re: [Roadtrip] Breaking Out the Berzerks
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2009, 08:29:20 PM »
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I officially declare both of you guys as +completely+ nuts.

Ully for doing the ROUNDtrip on ONE day. I was a bit worried for your trip back, glad you made it home safely !

Muerto for doing a drive that I already find pretty long for a 2 weeks holiday (and I am used to driving 70000 km/year) within 2 days !

Guys, I knew you would be worth the Berzerks, and you proved it ! :D

It was great meeting Ully again and Muerto for the first time. Fun guys to be with and "talk arcade !" !

I hope next time you visit the gameroom (and esp. the SW cockpit) will be much more playable !

Etienne MacGyver

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Re: [Roadtrip] Breaking Out the Berzerks
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2009, 08:31:37 PM »
Nice report ully , like always

Its nice too see that arcade fans helping eachother out !

goodluck with your catches all off you !


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Re: [Roadtrip] Breaking Out the Berzerks
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2009, 08:41:30 PM »
nice story Ully, and I know you had a tough time deciding which cab to take home. But I have to say that you made an excellent choice.

In the end, thanks to Level42, we all are very happy with our new cabs. And as Level42 said, there are still some nice cabs at the warehouse.


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Re: [Roadtrip] Breaking Out the Berzerks
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2009, 08:44:19 PM »
Muerto for doing a drive that I already find pretty long for a 2 weeks holiday (and I am used to driving 70000 km/year) within 2 days !

That is one of the 'benefits' of living in Denmark. Shortest out-of-country trip I have done has been ~900km  :)


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Re: [Roadtrip] Breaking Out the Berzerks
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2009, 08:49:26 PM »
I officially declare both of you guys as +completely+ nuts.

i'll take it as a compliment  ;)

And as Level42 said, there are still some nice cabs at the warehouse.

YES - the atari basketball!!! doesn't someone around here have to do a delivery from belgium to germany?  ;)
all i need is ... PONG - and a select few others: TOUCH ME, DRAGON'S LAIR, JOUST, ROBOTRON, MR DO, SAN FRANCISCO RUSH THE ROCK!!!


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Re: [Roadtrip] Breaking Out the Berzerks
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2009, 11:07:57 AM »
Like the others part, this segment of the story is just... AWESOME  :-*

Great pictures -as always-  :P

Break Out vs Super Break Out?... you did the right choice...the original one  :P ...and... yes... BERZERK .... like this song, you're going Berzerk  ;D :P :-*

I like also the meeting at the Level 42's game room ... a nice conclusion to that huge 'Arcade Warehouse Raid in Belgium'  ;)

Thanks for sharing that with us  :-*

Of course  :arrow:

 :spaceace: :spaceace: :spaceace: 


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Re: [Roadtrip] Breaking Out the Berzerks
« Reply #8 on: November 23, 2009, 12:46:13 PM »
You surely didn't know this but above this tunnel there is 'De Schelde' with a big warehouse near it with lots of arcades. That is the one mentioned earlier (with the big attic).

Coder of EasyMame
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Re: [Roadtrip] Breaking Out the Berzerks
« Reply #9 on: November 23, 2009, 01:43:48 PM »
You surely didn't know this but above this tunnel there is 'De Schelde' with a big warehouse near it with lots of arcades. That is the one mentioned earlier (with the big attic).

nope, didn't know that, otherwise i would have gone there since i was ahead of schedule. do you have any idea what can be found inside that warehouse?
all i need is ... PONG - and a select few others: TOUCH ME, DRAGON'S LAIR, JOUST, ROBOTRON, MR DO, SAN FRANCISCO RUSH THE ROCK!!!


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Re: [Roadtrip] Breaking Out the Berzerks
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2009, 07:16:31 PM »
some nice breakout trivia here on the frontpage


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Re: [Roadtrip] Breaking Out the Berzerks
« Reply #11 on: November 25, 2009, 12:53:14 PM »
You surely didn't know this but above this tunnel there is 'De Schelde' with a big warehouse near it with lots of arcades. That is the one mentioned earlier (with the big attic).

nope, didn't know that, otherwise i would have gone there since i was ahead of schedule. do you have any idea what can be found inside that warehouse?

Some years ago it was still filled with old stuff. I surely remember a Pacman, Gyruss, Double Dragon and Qix. But is was more a pinball heaven. I bought my Star Trek NG overthere.
I will visite this place one of these days and take some pictures.
I know he has bought a lot of stuff from Carnaval people (Kermis -- not sure this is the right word) and Arcades which closed in Antwerp.
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Re: [Roadtrip] Breaking Out the Berzerks
« Reply #12 on: November 26, 2009, 07:22:52 PM »
Nice story about Breakout ::)... See  :arrow:

Breakout Namco. According to The Ultimate History of Video Games written by Steven L. Kent and published in 2001, Namco had a license agreement with Atari to distribute their games in Japan back in the mid-seventies.

Breakout was such a hit that Namco ran out of arcade machines supplied by Atari real fast. According to Namco's side of the story of what went down - when Namco requested more machines, Atari didn't respond. Namco then decided to manufacture Breakout which was totally illegal. Eventually Atari found out and a lawsuit ensued, which Atari won before the turn of the decade. Hard to say if this flyer is before Namco started manufacturing Breakout or after but the history behind the title is interesting all the same.

Here the flyer... for an illegal game?!

(I see that story on TAFA)


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Re: [Roadtrip] Breaking Out the Berzerks
« Reply #13 on: November 28, 2009, 12:20:41 PM »
Nice story about Breakout ::)... See  :arrow:

(I see that story on TAFA)
some nice breakout trivia here on the frontpage


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Re: [Roadtrip] Breaking Out the Berzerks
« Reply #14 on: March 11, 2010, 06:53:13 PM »

after an incredible journey from belgium to holland and back again, my berzerk has finally arrived HOME  ;)

here it is in another temporary storage location at sascha's place  :arrow:

and a couple of hours later in my storage location at patrik's place - the reunion of breakout and atari basketball!

welcome home, breakout  :-*

all i need is ... PONG - and a select few others: TOUCH ME, DRAGON'S LAIR, JOUST, ROBOTRON, MR DO, SAN FRANCISCO RUSH THE ROCK!!!