So, yesterday we had a "meeting" at the warehouse.
Since Ully and Muerto were picking up their Berzerks anyway, we figured it was nice to go there. JCP expressed to be very interested in the sit-down Power Drift, and Ckong and Arcadecollection (who are both also from Holland) wanted to go and visit too.
Regretfully ArcadeCollection had to work as he really wanted to go there too.
So, there was a "second raid" going on. All the pinballs had been sold between the moment I picked up the Berzerks and Centi's and yesterday.......

However there was still plenty of nice stuff.
Ckong ended up picking up a _VERY_ nice looking Zaccaria Vanguard plus some nice high-res (VGA) monitors.
Ully picked up his long searched Breakout in _VERY_VERY_ nice condition. He had to shift around quite a number of cabs (incl. Breakouts and Super Breakouts) to pick out the nicest looking one, but it sure was worth it

This is now temporarily stored at my place since he could only fit the Berzerk in his car (which was an impressive thing by itself, Berzerk is HUGE).
Muerto picked up a very nice looking Super Breakout cab for a friend in Denmark. And of course his Berzerk was loaded up. Both actually fitted on top of each other on the sides in his van.
Regretfully, the Power Drift was not up to JCP's expectations and he didn't buy it, even though the seller did a very nice last offer IMHO.
Thanks for the Sega button JCP, will look much nicer than the burnt one that is on my PD upright now.
While shifting cabs we did some very nice discoveries. I knew I had seen one Atari cab (stickers on the back) from the US (so pre-Ireland factory) but I didn't recognize the shape. We shifted cabs a bit, saw some artwork that only showed some purple looking rocks, and we all were puzzled by it. So more shifting and turned it around and it turned out to be an Atari Avalanche !!!!
Very rare indeed I guess. B/W game. Cab looked in pretty nice shape. I remembered reading about this game that the gameplay is much like Activision's Kaboom ! for the Atari 2600.
We also noticed a Galaxia, a Bertolini licensed version of Galaxian (at least, the CP mentioned NAMCO). I found this a bit weird. The thing is that Bertolini also built the Galaxian cabs that look almost identical to Namco's original Galaxian.....
This one had completely different artwork, different cab shape etc.
I didn't bring my camera but Ully and Muerto did, so expect pics from them soon !
It was great meeting all of you (again) and I really enjoyed the trip. I'm also glad that most of you guys picked up something nice !
Today, the last Centi will be picked up by ArcadeCollection at my place. Then all the cabs of the original pick-up are gone ! Very happy about that, but also a bit sad that the 3 Berzerks were together for the last time yesterday (there's a nice "farewell" picture made) and that I had to disappoint some people who were also interested.
Still, there's more stuff left. Taito, Zaccaria cabs etc.