OK, just because I can't get enough of it:
The Berzerk as I found it:

And right around the corner...the other two !

First look at the Centi's:

4 Super Bugs ! (If only you could network them !) This is one of the famous Kee Games games (i.e. Atari).

Anyone want some Zaccaria cabs ? My favorite, Vanguard is in there too !!!! I love those cabs.......again NO SPACE

Also there are a good number of Breakout machines there. Some are converted..

Some VERY rare beasts: Vega by Olympia (
http://www.klov.com/game_detail.php?game_id=12908),an Italian machine and 1975 Ric-o-chet from Allied Leisure (
http://www.klov.com/game_detail.php?game_id=12706) which looks almost MINT and according to seller WORKS ! I love it that this one is on pinball legs !!!!

Two Blockades by Gremlin: B/W "Snake" like games (like Atari Dominos):

Exidy Circus and Atari Basketball....I'd take that Basketball too if I had the space....

And hey, this looks familiar !!!!!! Exactly same artwork as my bootleg Puckman BUT it's a totally different cab !!!! Sort of a "compact" version !:

See, same marquee too !!! Monitor is almost completely vertical though... And the CPO is totally different. (That bezel can't be original).

A whole row of Taito cabs. I like them. All kinds of games in them...

And here is something that really hurt to not be able to take along:
Atari's brilliand Video Pinball !!!!!!!! PLEASE someone rescue and restore this !
It's HUGE though !

That's about it. There are some more cabs though of which I didn't take a picture. More tomorrow !