But we're here on a mission, so, let's get to business !

Not 1, not 2, not 3 but 4 Centipede's are rescued !!!! Looks like the Irish factory

And there they are: 4 Irish Centi's loaded and ready....but we have a little more space...

So let's load this too:

O.....no......it's NOT a jukebox....but we'll see that cab a bit more later on !
Because, we have to arrange cabs. We don't thing the full 8 cabs that I planned on bringing home will fit in the trailer....
Anyway, let's pick up the most incredible find since my Star Wars cockpit: B-E-R-Z-E-R-K !!!!

OK, it doesn't have the original CPO and Joystick, but who can complain when you find a BERZERK RIGHT HERE IN EUROPE !?!?!?!
And it's complete !!!!

We look and see that the Berzerk is a little less wide than the Centi, but a lot deeper. So indeed, only 6 cabs on the trailer.......now what ?

Let's put the Centi in the back of the van !!!

Plenty of space !!

First we had put it in top first, but then we couldn't close the doors ! So....let's try it like this....

Even in this position, there's still a little part too far back......but Ruud's toolbox is our life-saver. By lifting the cab up a bit like that, we can now JUST close the door !! Woohoo !

And next to it, there is enough room for this absolute rarity ! :

Armor Attack, one of Cinematronics classics vector games !!!! This however, is the even much more rare (licensed) Rockola version !!!!!
This game is special because it's technology is so different. Instead of using a real processor, the designer thought it was cheaper to design his own processor from TTL IC's. So, there's no 6502, no Z80 or whatever on that PCB ! (Makes repair hard !).
Also, the monitor is very dedicated ! It accepts digital signals instead of the analog signals that are used on vector games like from Atari etc.
More about that machine later ! Shift it in and....

... a perfect fit !!!

But why do we needed that extra space on the trailer:

Well, let's pick up a very nice.....