Author Topic: Restoration - Donkey Kong cabinet  (Read 84032 times)


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Restoration - Donkey Kong cabinet
« on: October 26, 2009, 09:34:50 PM »
Yesterday I got my Donkey Kong cabinet. And although it’s in a good shape, it could use some restoration/refurbishment. But I have a policy about restoration projects (as if I already did a lot of them,  :D :D): I will not restore this cab, and possible future cabs, to an ‘as good as new’ condition. My main reason for this is that I don’t mind at all if there are visible usage marks. In fact, I think that it adds to the character of the cab, it has a history, it has been in arcades for years and years, a lot of people had fun playing it and this shows on the cab. It’s as if the cab says “hey, here I am, I maybe old of age, but you can see that I had a lot of fun”.  Therefore I have to make certain considerations: what will be restored and what not. I might need your input with it. Although one thing is easy, technically the cab has to be perfect.

I inspected the cab today internally and externally and here is the outcome:

Internally the cab just looks very nice. It’s of course a bit dirty and there is some rust, but a good clean will do the job. Technically the cab is 100% which is a relieve. The monitor also shows a bright and contrast rich image (as shown at the seller’s house). Some pics:

The joystick is a bit worn out, it doesn’t feel good. Could be dust, old grease, or maybe severe wear and tear. I disassembled it to clean it. Just wait what the outcome is. One question: is it normal that the leaves on the leave switch are bent like that?

Externally: the control panel is in very good shape, as is the bezel and marquee. The bezel has a few scratches (see picture), but that is ‘character’. Player button 1 has a cigarette burn stain, I may replace it. The sticker set (and the missing insert coin sticker) will be replaced. The marquee light isn’t working and I noticed that the tube has died and will be replaced.

The coin door has severe damage, and there is a missing part at P2 position. I think that a metal worker can repair it (hammering bumps out and a bit of welding), and then a new paint coat will make it as new. By the way, how do you call the ‘blank’ metal parts where you insert a coin? I might need a new one to replace the incomplete one.

Then the wood parts: there are bolts on the frontpanel which have no function. They are rusty and ugly and will be removed. I suppose I will repaint the total frontpanel. The part just above the speaker has also some damage. I will restore this with woodfiller and repaint it. You can see that some damages have already been ‘restored’ with blue paint. Not by me though.

The sidepanels have some minor and heavier damage, but nothing really serious. I will restore them with woodfiller and do a repaint job. Fortunately the T-molding has not been glued, so I can remove it easily.

How do you guys think that I should repaint the sidepanels? There are 3 options:
1.   Only repaint the restored parts (easiest way, but probably also with the ugliest result)
2.   Total repaint, but without removal of the sideart. The sideart is still 100% (must be repro art). Is it doable to cover the sideart and repaint the whole panel.
3.   Remove the sideart, and paint the whole panel and then replace the art with new art.

Or should I just leave the panels as they are to keep it as original as possible? I know that it is also a matter of tatste, but I am curious how you feel about it.

To sum it up:
-   New front sticker set and maybe new buttons
-   Good cleaning of joystick. If that doesn’t do the trick I will replace parts or the whole stick
-   New marquee light tube
-   Total refurbishment of coin door, might even be replaced (rather not)
-   Remove bolts and fill the holes on frontpanel, repair wood damage on frontside and total repaint.
-   Repair all damage on side panels and repaint them.

All in all a job which I can do very well I think.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2009, 09:38:12 PM by ckong »


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Re: Restoration - Donkey Kong cabinet
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2009, 09:53:59 PM »
(Can't sleep, so I'm still posting at 3 AM !)

I noticed the step-down transformer at the seller's place. I checked, but it looks like Nintendo cabs are one of the few that you can't switch to 230VAC inside the cab by moving over a wire on a terminal.

This cab came from the US right ? I'm afraid that I've reached the point where I can actually see the difference between a US built Nintendo cab and a Japanese one....(Sick).....I think the extra bolts on the edges of the kickplate give it away....

The serial number plate would be interesting to see a picture off, plus all the insides of course :)

That is interesting about the voltage. could you show me how?

I posted a pic of the serial number (163855) plate above.


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Re: Restoration - Donkey Kong cabinet
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2009, 11:57:49 PM »
I agree with your restoration approach !

1) Note that Nintendo cabs marquee tubes are very special size and voltage (100VAC) which is used in Japan. The monitor is ALSO 100VAC, DON'T ever connect it to something else. (By the way, the Sanyo's have a beatiful picture, mine is even an older model than yours but it looks SWEAT and I've only replaced a single cap). Anyway, I chose to install a new fixture from Gamma that you can get for about 7 euro's and connect that to 230VAC directly. This will be a problem for you as you don't have that power inside the cab (yet, see point 3) ).
2) the money eating things are called coin mechs, and we're lucky as the very same coin mechs are still in production and for sale ! Only issue I saw that lately they (the US branch) started to have a minimum order amount. They also sell the parts separately for VERY reasonable prices... I think the whole mech was 35 bucks, pretty expensive but it's 100% quality, I bet you won't find any rust on the inside :) Maybe we can do a "group" buy, as I want to replace some parts of my (single) coin-mech as well.
3) Voltage, could you make a close-up picture of where the wires are connected to the strip to the right of the transformer in that picture you took (brown and white wire) ? This should give some clues (you may need to clean the plastic cover a bit to see clearly).
If there really is no 230VAC connection, there are 2 options: Install a step-down transformer inside the cab or get an original 230VAC Nintendo transformer (almost impossible to find, heavy so very expensive to ship).
4) The joystick switches aren't leaf switches, they are microswitches, which in this case are actuated by a metal strip. It's normal they have bends IIRC. But you can adjust them by bending carefully if you want. Depends on your "taste" of joystick feel.
5) looks like the Sanyo got a cap-kit recently already. Nice !


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Re: Restoration - Donkey Kong cabinet
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2009, 12:06:52 AM »
Found a pic of the power connection strip of my own Mario Bros:

If it looks like this, you're in business. You'll just have to move one of the wires to the 240VAC position....

Also here a pic of the switches as I found them:

My MB thread on BYOAC forum is full of good Nintendo info:

O, and from your list of restoring options for the sides, I personally plan on going for option 2, because my side arts are PERFECT and are actually kind of different from all the repro's on the internet (color-wise), and I KNOW these are original....
I should have painted my MB when it still was will have to wait for spring ....


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Re: Restoration - Donkey Kong cabinet
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2009, 12:11:21 AM »
Mmmm, I have little hope for the 230VAC connection. Compare my pic with yours and you'll see your transformer has only 3 wires (or maybe 4). Mine has at least 6, thus offering more voltages to select from. Still worth checking out, but I think it's doubtful that a US built cab (which this indeed is as the serial plate shows) would have anything else then 120VAC....


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Re: Restoration - Donkey Kong cabinet
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2009, 09:35:22 AM »
I agree with your restoration approach !

1) .... This will be a problem for you as you don't have that power inside the cab

fortunately it's pretty easy to install 230V inside the cab.

2) the money eating things are called coin mechs, and we're lucky as the very same coin mechs are still in production and for sale ! ....

That's good news. Could you tell me where I can find them?

About the voltage, I do have a spare stepdowntransformer, so powering the cab will be no problem. And for the marquee light I simply install a 230V power lead (without damaging the cab of course). But here is a picture of the powerstrip inside my cab. Does anyone know where the fourth unused connection is for?

And what about the 6 bolds on the fronpanel:

They don't have any purpose. Why are they there? Is it original?


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Re: Restoration - Donkey Kong cabinet
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2009, 10:30:46 AM »
The bolts on the front panel are absolutely not original if you ask me.
I have seen Nintendo cabs with big ugly metal protection bars covering the coin door. I suppose it was used for just that.
Anyway, get rid of those bolts! :) And good luck restoring this awesome cabinet Ckong.
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Re: Restoration - Donkey Kong cabinet
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2009, 11:44:20 AM »
Indeed get rid of those extra bolts.

The spare terminal is not connected to anything on the other side so it's just an extra terminal.


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Re: Restoration - Donkey Kong cabinet
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2009, 10:19:28 PM »
Guys, I'm in the middle of the restoration process. I will post (a lot of) pics and info in a few days or so, but I have 3 questions:

1. with the cab came a cardboard black monitor bezel, but it's a bit flimsy. Was there original a hard plastic bezel around the monitor, or a woodden board, or what? If so, does anyone have pics of this?
2. I restored the side panels (filled all the holes and other large damages with two component woodfiller) and I want to repaint the side panels with the side art still attached. what is the best way to mask the side art?
3. where is a good internet shop where I czn buy replacement coin mechs?


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Re: Restoration - Donkey Kong cabinet
« Reply #9 on: October 30, 2009, 12:14:33 AM »
1) Cardboard is original but there is also a center part of plastic, at least on the monitor before the 20EZ. And it doesn't show bad when the bezel is installed...

Again, not the 20EZ as found in DK's but here's how it looks on my ancient Radar Scope cab monitor:

2) I'd like to know too ! There is plastic with a sticky tape available for masking at DIY stores. I've also thought about masking stuff that model builders use. That should be very thin

3) The original mechs can't be bought through a site. You'll have to contact them through e-mail.
This is the coin-mech as it is presented now on Asahi Seiko's site:

Contact Michael Sparto:
michaels (at)

Here's a guy who ordered parts:

I also need some parts if you're going to order, maybe we can join to share shipping costs.

I need exactly the same parts (one each):
KMW-2033 Face Plate $4.00
KMW-3004 Reject Button $1.00
80R-ER00-11 E-Ring $0.06
KMW-3059 Spring $0.10
KMW-3003 Bugle $1.60

If you want me to handle it, let me know what you need...
« Last Edit: October 30, 2009, 12:32:37 AM by Level42 »


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Re: Restoration - Donkey Kong cabinet
« Reply #10 on: October 30, 2009, 12:31:46 AM »
Just remembered: I once sent an e-mail to the European Asahi Seiko company and got a reply from a Rachel.

I think I never followed up....


rachel.chilcott (at)

She at least confirmed the mech was still for sale and requested for more info from me but I don't find any further e-mails sent or received...

It may still be cheaper to get it from the US though (with current euro-dollar rate)...
« Last Edit: October 30, 2009, 12:33:25 AM by Level42 »


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Re: Restoration - Donkey Kong cabinet
« Reply #11 on: November 10, 2009, 02:53:50 PM »
If you ever wondered where your DK cab was built:

 :shock: :shock: :shock:


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Re: Restoration - Donkey Kong cabinet
« Reply #12 on: November 10, 2009, 03:22:01 PM »
OMG!! I'm actually drewling  :o

Where did they all went? No, please, don't show a pic of the arcade cab graveyard, I can't handle that.

Etienne MacGyver

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Re: Restoration - Donkey Kong cabinet
« Reply #13 on: November 10, 2009, 03:39:41 PM »
OMG!! I'm actually drewling  :o

Where did they all went? No, please, don't show a pic of the arcade cab graveyard, I can't handle that.

Well i hate to be the one to post this link......


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Re: Restoration - Donkey Kong cabinet
« Reply #14 on: November 10, 2009, 05:39:15 PM »
By linking to it, you keep it alive....