Yesterday I got my Donkey Kong cabinet. And although it’s in a good shape, it could use some restoration/refurbishment. But I have a policy about restoration projects (as if I already did a lot of them,

): I will not restore this cab, and possible future cabs, to an ‘as good as new’ condition. My main reason for this is that I don’t mind at all if there are visible usage marks. In fact, I think that it adds to the character of the cab, it has a history, it has been in arcades for years and years, a lot of people had fun playing it and this shows on the cab. It’s as if the cab says “hey, here I am, I maybe old of age, but you can see that I had a lot of fun”. Therefore I have to make certain considerations: what will be restored and what not. I might need your input with it. Although one thing is easy, technically the cab has to be perfect.
I inspected the cab today internally and externally and here is the outcome:
Internally the cab just looks very nice. It’s of course a bit dirty and there is some rust, but a good clean will do the job. Technically the cab is 100% which is a relieve. The monitor also shows a bright and contrast rich image (as shown at the seller’s house). Some pics:

The joystick is a bit worn out, it doesn’t feel good. Could be dust, old grease, or maybe severe wear and tear. I disassembled it to clean it. Just wait what the outcome is. One question: is it normal that the leaves on the leave switch are bent like that?

Externally: the control panel is in very good shape, as is the bezel and marquee. The bezel has a few scratches (see picture), but that is ‘character’. Player button 1 has a cigarette burn stain, I may replace it. The sticker set (and the missing insert coin sticker) will be replaced. The marquee light isn’t working and I noticed that the tube has died and will be replaced.

The coin door has severe damage, and there is a missing part at P2 position. I think that a metal worker can repair it (hammering bumps out and a bit of welding), and then a new paint coat will make it as new. By the way, how do you call the ‘blank’ metal parts where you insert a coin? I might need a new one to replace the incomplete one.

Then the wood parts: there are bolts on the frontpanel which have no function. They are rusty and ugly and will be removed. I suppose I will repaint the total frontpanel. The part just above the speaker has also some damage. I will restore this with woodfiller and repaint it. You can see that some damages have already been ‘restored’ with blue paint. Not by me though.

The sidepanels have some minor and heavier damage, but nothing really serious. I will restore them with woodfiller and do a repaint job. Fortunately the T-molding has not been glued, so I can remove it easily.

How do you guys think that I should repaint the sidepanels? There are 3 options:
1. Only repaint the restored parts (easiest way, but probably also with the ugliest result)
2. Total repaint, but without removal of the sideart. The sideart is still 100% (must be repro art). Is it doable to cover the sideart and repaint the whole panel.
3. Remove the sideart, and paint the whole panel and then replace the art with new art.
Or should I just leave the panels as they are to keep it as original as possible? I know that it is also a matter of tatste, but I am curious how you feel about it.
To sum it up:
- New front sticker set and maybe new buttons
- Good cleaning of joystick. If that doesn’t do the trick I will replace parts or the whole stick
- New marquee light tube
- Total refurbishment of coin door, might even be replaced (rather not)
- Remove bolts and fill the holes on frontpanel, repair wood damage on frontside and total repaint.
- Repair all damage on side panels and repaint them.
All in all a job which I can do very well I think.