Hi Ckong

I'm the same Joeks as from Nozomi.nl.
The bolts through the sides are original as far as i know. The 2 bolts closest to the back of the cab are for support of the upper metal monitor bar. The other three bolts are for use with a horizontal monitor frame, like the Popeye cabinet. Although most of the time you'll find a DK cabinet only has the two bolts closest to the back.
About the color, i don't know the RAL color. But I should get a paint chip of the cabinet to your nearest paint store to get it color matched.
I found some paint codes on BYOAC forum but those are all for american paint brands. I guess they are no use to us europeans. Could be wrong there though.
The sideart you can get at
www.quarterarcade.com. That's where i got mine, for my scratch build DK cabinet (
www.donkeykongarcade.blogspot.com) - which still isn't finished

Good luck!