To commemorate the 9th "birthday" of Eurocade, and just because we all hadn't seen each other for various longer periods of time, I organized a nice BBQ with the original Eurocade crew on 5th of september.
The only guy who couldn't make it there was Chris....who we missed dearly !!
All the other crazy guys were there, CKONG (Erik), Gyruss (Pieter), Patrick, McGyver (Etienne) , RobinHolland(Robin). Also there was Etienne's son Xander who enjoyed the best 8 bit computer of all times a lot

...... and last but certainly not least my lovely girlfriend Petra...
Was very much fun, it's so weird, put all these guys together and it's retro-game talk all over the place

There were some old Eurocade relics like the HUGE banner, a RGE DK competition banner and the all-mighty PONG piggybank !
Sadly, the weather wasn't very Eurocade-ish (which generally had very nice to very hot weather) but it didn't spoil the fun (although we had to dash inside with all the food at one point because of rain

There was also a little brain-storming about the year 2021. In September 2021 it will be 10 years ago that the first Eurocade happened.
We're thinking about doing some sort of reunion. Not a Eurocade like it used to be, but a fun, international, gathering which will be arcade-game related but also loads of fun "at the bar". SO keep a spot open in the first weekends of september 2021 in your agenda's. And of all depends on this virus related crisis we seem to be having....but I guess it should be over by then....