As i already said we can not have everything since the warehouse is pretty full

Some cab will be sold and some will be traded

Austria for me is not far, I was last weekend in Bretagne to see little rabbit and made 1600 km in 2 days .
If i want something; going to austria is not an issue .
I did not open a thread for sale since i was not sure about cab status .
yesterday I went with the guys of the association to the warehouse to check cabs
Defender is opened

unfortunately cpo is broken

The defender was sold to a good friend that help us a lot . I am sure that you will see his wip here pretty soon

bezel is missing

. 4 way joystick instead of fire button

pcb is there but the 2 big condosators are dead .

Pcb was badly repaired or perhaps modified I have to check it .

that's all for today as we have to prepare the Arcade show we organize at the end of september .
We expect about 1200 visitors .