Hey guys
I wanted to post this here as I know you guys appreciate a bit of woodworking plus there seems to be a wealth of information here on this particular project.
I've wanted to do this for a few years now but recently saw a real DK at the South Coast Slam here in the UK and fell totally in love

I want to make sure I have the best information possible before I start so as not to have to make adjustments later on. This is going to take a while so don't expect it to happen overnight!
I will be using a real CRT, hopefully a Sanyo but I am not too optimistic I'll get a nice one. I also will be running the original PCB.
One other thing that's driving me forward with this is time. Since I decided to do this, resources from scr33n have been dropping off the internet, like his images that people gave him measurements for and his plans which no longer exsist (if anyone has this info it'd be greatly appreciated!) so I will take what little info is left and probably have to work out the rest myself. Jakobud's plans are a good start.
It will be a red cabinet but I don't plan to paint it, I'll be laminating it with a real nice textured laminate so while the colour may not match exactly, it should look pretty nice in my office. I probably won't be able to use the repro nintendo t-molding in that case as it will add extra width to the machine.
I will add any info I find to this thread so hopefully anyone else looking to do the same will have it to hand in one place. I hope other do not mind me reproducing their work here, if they do then I will remove it of course.
To start with, here's a few links to other projects and reference information:
scr33n's scratch build:
https://www.dragonslairfans.com/smfor/index.php?topic=783.0Ron Sommeling's scratch build:
http://www.teamsomcom.nl/donkey-kong-scratch-buildJakobud's plans:
http://www.jakobud.com/plan.php?id=7Kiwi Arcade Shop's scratch build:
http://kiwiarcade.blogspot.co.uk/2012/02/project-donkey-kong-arcade-how-to-build.htmlBarry Buise's scratch build:
http://donkeykongarcade.blogspot.co.uk/Sledgehammer's scratch build:
http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php/topic,96299.0.htmlurbanledge's build: