Seriously JCP! I am getting totally sick of your constant price policing here !!! What do you think you are accomplishing with that?
Maybe you didn't read the reasons why I got to that price ? And even so, it's up for the buyer to decide if he thinks the machine is worth the money. Marco has seen and played the game @Eurocade/ RGE 2013 so he knows what he will get.
It is the price I was willing to let this cab go for. I am still in love with that know, I got multiple questions about my SW cockpit during Eurocade 2013 and people asked if it was for sale and I said sure, for 50,000 euro's it's yours.....meaning I don't want to sell it at any price at the moment...
I don't think I listed the multi-kit in the details so no that is not included in the deal. that kit cost me about 130 incl. shipping and I plan to install it on my Namco Galaxian.
Get some air
Marcel André, for me, it's only an hobby, I'm not a businessman ... and 50k€ for you SW cockpit is funny too, but, if you like ...
Who is pascal
if this is your complete response to this... you should have probably better keept it for yourself.
Lady, you look like a bit young to fully understand all the topic thread
