Got the capkit for the sound board 'Squawk & Talk'.
Before :
After :

Yeah! Sounds are now all back, including the voices of course!
So even with few things left to fix on the playfield, the game is very playable... and that what I did during something like 40 minutes!
And then...
The game freezes! I reboot it, and ... it doesn't want to start anymore!

There is a self test procedure on the MPU board. A led that blinks a certain amount of time. In my case (2 blinks) this indicates a chipset problem at U8 location, but also could be a voltage or contact problem too.
Here's the value I got on the MPU board :
TP1 : 5,13V
TP2 : 13,6V
TP3 : 21,4V
TP5 : 5,16V
No problem at this level. So it may also be a contact problem? Let's remove the MPU :

Here's the three chips located at U6, U7 & U8

Let's clean the legs but also the supports :

After this cleaning operation, let's see if it solves my problem???

So, now it cannot be something else than what the self test procedure says ... chip 5501 located @ U8.
Hey, I also have a Bally Space Invaders pinball, which use the same MPU board :

... and so it uses the same 5501 chip!

Let's remove it from the Space invaders MPU, and use it on the Fathom MPU board...
Hell yeah!!!

Fathom is back from death, for a second time! Got also great support on for my pinball related questions...

Ok, stills few things to fix, but at least the game is now playable/enjoyable! What a great pinball