6 PM tonight
Hm! That doesn't fit

And the cabs are too hight to stand upright. OK, let's remove the ceiling

Well, that didn't go well either, after a lot of lifting one cabs was on it feet in the cab, angled at 45 degrees!! the cab couldn't be tilled horizontally because of the low door area. So, let's take everything out, 're-arrange the contents of the van (it was already filled for 2/3 part) and put one cab in on his back.

Hm, the other cab won't fit aside, 5 cm. too narrow. So, let's flip the cab and put the second one on top.

Almost done, only have to put back all the other stuff and close the door

And after about 1.5 hour the twin cabs were finally in the van and on their way to Hungary.
Game on!