1st of august 2007... Pat is looking for a twin racing game for the kids (and I guess a little bit for him too

) ... and since few days, he was looking for such cab...
He found a Sega Touring Car in the North of Belgium.
OK, Tourning Car is maybe not the best racing game done by Sega, but it's a good game to start with, and he's sure that the kids will love it
So, he asks me to come with him for his very first roadtrip
I quickly prepare all the usual roadtrip stuff

And here's the Pat Lair, before the roadtrip of course ( see his gameroom right here
http://www.arcadelifestyle.net/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=277 ) :

...a last check before to leave ... does the van will be big enough to load the twin ?

...for statistics...

Have a look a this ... Pat is doing his very first roadtrip

I know he doesn't like to drive, so I sure his motivation is the maximum

...never forget for what we're fighting for ...

...still in Belgium...

...yes... still in Belgium ...

We're close to Masstricht... well know for ...hum ... legal drugs


Ok, on location... the seller is not present... only his Dad
Strange... the cab is in a very dark room, and after few minutes, the 'seller' still not switch on the light


I'm asking for more light... and the game, supposed to be in a good state... is in a poor condition

Pat saw only one picture before to come, and the seller said only few scratch on side arts... but as you can see, it's worst than few scratches

The game is working, exept the forcefeed back down on one cab, impossible to drive like that


Of course, after seeing all these problems, Pat is asking for a better price of course

But the seller is not there. His dad is trying to contact him, but no luck
SO... we leave
Don't worry Pat... you'll found better game soon...

Back to home

Strange to miss a cab on the first roadtrip... hopefully, we didn"t go to UK ...

... we lose just an afternoon and some fuel... but hey, you'll find something better very soon
(stay tuned
