Nice piece of theory Barry, but what we have here is a system that has been working in many Berzerks for many years...
Also, the kind of tube I sent to Muerto is successfully running in my cab (and I think in Ully's too ?)
Anyway, what is different with Berzerk is that once you turn the power on on the cab, the fluorescent will turn on, EVEN if you open the coin door or backdoor !!
So, that aspect of the video makes sense Muerto....the other stuff....first try to replace the starter.
Also be sure to try the other tube !
If that's not the problem, it's very likely the ballast. BUT, don't forget the simple things. Big problems often have simple causes:
Replace the tube holders, and at least check the starter holder (or replace it right away) (they are 30 years old.....they _can_ develop a bad contact, esp. the tubeholders.
The last time a fuse blew on my Ms.Pac the ballast was also bad. I simply replaced ballast, and tube. Still didn't work, turned out the new starter (which I had installed before) had blown out when the fuse also went....
New starter and, happy ever after...