Author Topic: How did this guy get it all? (Finny)  (Read 12156 times)

Sonic 1992

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How did this guy get it all? (Finny)
« on: September 19, 2006, 12:48:48 AM »
Hello,  I'm new to your site..  Nice to see other DL fans out there... I remember playing it new in 1983, and spending all my lunch money on this wonderful game!!

 I managed to acquire a DL  and DL 2 many years back  and it was hard as well as expensive.. long story short, when I got my DL.. it was 1991 and cost me 500.00 to repar the PR 7820... (since then upgraded with conversion card and modern LD player)  for years I looked everywhere in old warehouses and game shops for DL stuff only to find nothing.  and when I did find something I got hit with high prices... etc.

  I even found and contacted Bluth and Goldman back in 1995 asking about Animation Cels from the game.. and Gary said they were digging them out of a warehouse, and would call me back.. (never did)  :-(

   Not to sound Jealous.. well maybe a little lol  How did he get it all???  

 Is he a rich guy or what?? to get everything...  LOL  I can't afford the shipping of a little toy on eBay from overseas and he gets DL #1 shipped there?    I Don't mean to whine.. I'm happy with what I've been able to collect... Just curious and a little jealous..

I've been trying to collect DL stuff 15 years ago, and he has the coolest stuff dating 2004!  and almost every single thing is signed by DB and GG for him.  How did he pull it off?


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How did this guy get it all? (Finny)
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2006, 06:41:32 PM »
on earth exist  some type of egoist tha like to have all for him letting  nothingh to  others except shit trough $.

EDIT by Darth Nuno :

... hum ...Yes, such guys exist on earth but you're hopefully not talking about Jason  :wink:

The definition of a collector is... to collect everything possible  :roll:  :wink:
Sometime you catch what you want, sometime not...

Once again, thanks to Jason for helping me to complete one of my biggest dream : to own a Space Ace cab... without spending €€€€ or ££££  for missing parts  :wink:


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How did this guy get it all? (Finny)
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2006, 10:13:26 AM »
It's not my bussines but I think Erwing is a verry unhappy man, eat'n away by so much hate and jallousy.
 I do not own a DL , a DL2 nor a SA-cab but I'm happy I can relive the feeling of play'n the game on my MAME-cab with Daphne. It gives me great pleasure to see that some people still own some of those games, thanks to them I'm able to play those games, ever thought about that???
Just one more thing: I'll never like a guy who's talk'n of burn'n a (such hard to find) cab because it isn't just work'n as he wants it to at the time(see other post on this forum) .
 :evil:  :(  :evil:
God must love crazy people, he made so many of them!!


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How did this guy get it all? (Finny)
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2006, 11:25:04 AM »
Quote from: "jomm"
It's not my bussines but I think Erwing is a verry unhappy man, eat'n away by so much hate and jallousy.
 I do not own a DL , a DL2 nor a SA-cab but I'm happy I can relive the feeling of play'n the game on my MAME-cab with Daphne. It gives me great pleasure to see that some people still own some of those games, thanks to them I'm able to play those games, ever thought about that???
Just one more thing: I'll never like a guy who's talk'n of burn'n a (such hard to find) cab because it isn't just work'n as he wants it to at the time(see other post on this forum) .
 :evil:  :(  :evil:

you dont' know nothingh of me and the story about my  cab and others  --people..
so pelase let lose and dont speake about thjnghs you don't know
or you can't understand.
however i own 3 laser games cab (original...)
and i'm not jalous of nothing and nobody  at the moment...
but yes i lke to have an esh. 8)
if a cab doesn't work you can use it to turn on a's onlt wood. each type cab.


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How did this guy get it all? (Finny)
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2006, 11:27:04 AM »
Quote from: "erwing"
on earth exist  some type of egoist tha like to have all for him letting  nothingh to  others except shit trough $.

EDIT by Darth Nuno :

... hum ...Yes, such guys exist on earth but you're hopefully not talking about Jason  :wink:

The definition of a collector is... to collect everything possible  :roll:  :wink:
Sometime you catch what you want, sometime not...

Once again, thanks to Jason for helping me to complete one of my biggest dream : to own a Space Ace cab... without spending €€€€ or ££££  for missing parts  :wink:

the true is that cab was for anther boy...
but..not my affair..


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How did this guy get it all? (Finny)
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2006, 12:19:51 PM »
Quote from: "erwing"

you dont' know nothingh of me and the story about my  cab and others  --people..
so pelase let lose and dont speake about thjnghs you don't know
or you can't understand.


Please read your own words!! Isn't that the thing you're doing or saying about some people on this board?
And that's all I've got to say about that!!
 :D  :?  :D
God must love crazy people, he made so many of them!!


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How did this guy get it all? (Finny)
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2006, 12:39:02 PM »
Quote from: "jomm"
Quote from: "erwing"

you dont' know nothingh of me and the story about my  cab and others  --people..
so pelase let lose and dont speake about thjnghs you don't know
or you can't understand.


Please read your own words!! Isn't that the thing you're doing or saying about some people on this board?
And that's all I've got to say about that!!
 :D  :?  :D

what are you sayn??
which thinghs?
you are wite about me!
i don' t know who  you are and you ve never eat at my lose.
no troll please...
   :D  :roll:


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How did this guy get it all? (Finny)
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2006, 08:22:05 PM »
Erwing Listen to Jomm, he is telling you to read the words you was aiming at me, you know it makes sense to keep my name from you tongue, No one likes you, you have been banned from The Dragons Lair Project website, and I can see Bruno banning you from here, I dont think he appreciates you bad mouthing other collectors.


I Played dragons Lair "Atari" version back in the day of 1984 (UK Release Date) and spent every penny I had, That game had such an impact on me, the cab design, the art, but mostly the visual, the game was almost alive to me, I played that when I had a chance until one day I turned up to play it and it was gone forever, I was devastated, and vowed one day to own my very own, I used to go to game stores hoping that they would have a consol version...but no one did, well it never left my thoughts for the next twenty years, and the internet made it possible for me to get my own, I actually got a DL 2 while looking for a Dragons Lair...DL2 is my favourite game of all time, I never played a DL2 before I got one, I was totally hooked, some months later I got my much sort after Dragon's Lair.

I wanted to collect every Laserdisc Game there was, I came to the conclusion that most Lasergames were Rare because of that reason "They were Crap" My passion was with Don Bluth Lasergames DL, DL2, and SA, so my quest was to find the missing treasures, Let me remind you there is no reason to be jealous of my collection, it's not just "Money" that gets the games, art and collectibles, Its also dedicating all your time and effort passion inlocating and getting contacts, its also a matter of getting stuff that you know collectors want to be able to prise Items I needed from them, I even done a 2500 mile round trip to collect two games, I had to swap a NOS space Ace and a mint Dragons Lair for just one of those two games I picked up, that game cost me a fortune, but is the best example in the world of only a few!! I am not Rich, however my collection has exceeded £120,000 thats without the time and effort which on my part is the most difficult, there is one version of DL that I need to complete my collection and that is the (Australian Leisure and Allied) version, I have a contact, It was myself that made this cab known to the community, it had taken me a year to track the cab, the guy who owned it then realised my interest and we talked, we are still in nogatiations.

Artwork became hard to locate,I became good friends with Gary and Don, Don also emails from time to time to just have a chat, he has invited me to stay at his place in Arizona, which I have yet not had time to do, but me and my friends spent a few days with Don and Gary at their Studio,I had aquired a fair bit, and then I got 40% of my art when at the studio and took two of my collector friends with me, James Richardson and Richard Savine, I had taken all my Marquees and sideart for Don and Gary to sign, My passion is other collectors enjoying what I do, my collection is not just for myself but every collector out there. Gary called me up when they found rare stuff, was very good them letting me know first, gary said that because my artwork collection was the biggest he would also sell me stuff that wasnt for sale, Ie the Poster artwork, prototype artwork for the cab, and also the original cab artwork, Marquee, CP!! I am benifitting from my hard work now, because when I go to "Finny's lair" which is not very often, I cannot believe how much stuff I have, and really enjoy being in among all the stuff. as i said before, my most enjoyment comes from other collectors enjoying it, ok I paid for it, but other collectors can enjoy it like myself without costing them anything LOL.

all the best to everyone
"Aim for the Moon! if you fall short your be with the Stars"

Sonic 1992

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How did this guy get it all? (Finny)
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2006, 10:44:12 PM »
Hello, I meant no offense..  Please believe me..  I was just kidding :-)
I did say "lol a little jealous"  just for fun. I'm really impressed with your collection..  as for the other mean poster. I did not mean for that to happen.   Please remove the entire post to prevent any other misunderstandings.   Barry  sonic1992  Finny I apologize..