After a nice week of holiday to the greek island
Crete, its time to post some pics of the arcade that i found there...
first thing is that its dificult to find an arcade these days i think.
the machines they have are mostly spending they're life displaying the attraction mode...
I guess its too warm there to play games

as you can see its a really busy place..... NOT!
anyway , there was also the pleasure of enjoying the nice views of the country.

a nice piece of scenery taken from the boat wich we took for a trip.
this part was in front of our hotel.

We only stayed one week , so it was time to go back again , and look what i found in the airport.

For all you starwars fans, R2-D2 in Lego.
(for the people that are interested, i have the full resolution picture right here.
2848x2136 Greetings