Author Topic: Interest check fpr Robotron control panels  (Read 1763 times)


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Interest check fpr Robotron control panels
« on: October 31, 2017, 09:23:21 PM »
Another guy from Sweden gave me a destroyed Robotron metal control panel and asked me to ask my contacts within the metal industry to see if they can make new ones.

I will do that later this week, there are a few things to ask for...
1. Price for a clean panel with no holes at all
2. Price for a panel woth all the correct holes in the correct place (Duh!)
3. See if they can make it of galvanized metal as the original or just ordinary good old metal

Any one here that could need one aswell if we can make this happen? This is a strictly NO-PROFIT deal on my behalf, just thought I might be able to help a fellow moron.
Im thinking that the price for making 10 is not that much more expensive than making just two or three.
- Always looking for Playchoice & Mega-Tech -