Kinda fits here (but please move if not right location) some of you may have seen that I'm running a InitialD blog here in the UK and was thinking of locations that people can play these in the wild. So would like to document these in a Google Map.
However apart from collectors cabinets the only ID cabinet we have currently in the UK in an Arcade is an Initial D 8, though we have a few more international members here which may be able to help with locations.
I appreciate that some maybe personal collectors so we will exclude these from the google map, however if you want to send a couple of photos we will add a owners gallery at some point.
So if you know of any Initial D cabinets in the wild, could you get a photo of the cabinet in situ and post below with its address and I can start compiling a list.
Any help on this is appreciated, as this will serve another project I’m working on with a few arcade owners