Author Topic: replacing a monitor for a tv - electronical question  (Read 8997 times)


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Re: replacing a monitor for a tv - electronical question
« Reply #15 on: August 18, 2014, 01:46:39 PM »
I say amen to that.

So you won't need the 78xx mod after all :)

Not sure if Qix has a 12V DC somewhere, I guess so.

Quote from the "famous" thread:

To run a TV as a monitor in RGB mode, you need to "feed" two voltages to two pins on the SCART connector. You need to put a voltage between 9,5 and 12V on pin 16 to tell it that it must switch to AV mode (=select the video input). Also you need to put a voltage between 1 and 3 V on pin 8 to tell the TV it should select RGB as input.

So you'll also need 5V from somewhere and feed that to pin 8 through a series resistor to lower the voltage a bit. I know some people feed the 5V directly into pin 8 but I like to stick to specs.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2014, 01:52:54 PM by Level42 »