please read well 2708 datasheet and you will understand that to write a 2708 is really different than 2716.
I would like only to know who is interested on buy my one, nothing else.
Feel free to make all experiment you want, damage all the eprom you want and even to made an open source project if you like.
Excuse me ? this is a forum buddy and on forums the idea is exchanging ideas and opinions. If you are not up to that go to ebay.
I KNOW that writing a 2708 is different from writing a 2716 I was simply pointing out that it is possible and VERY EASY to use a 2716 or 2732 INSTEAD of a 2708.
In fact there are many known ways to convert games like Space Invaders to use 2716s only because they are way more reliable because they only require 1 voltage instead of 3 to run.
Most burners can burn 2716s and there is NO risk damaging anything:
Use a 2716 in the socket and bend pins 19 and 21 upwards. Connect pin 19 to ground and pin 21 to +5 volts.
If you use one 2732, again bend pins 19 and 21 upwards and connect both to ground.
I have done this in my Asterock and it works perfectly.
EVEN SO, I pointed to the advantages of a dedicated programmer for 2704/2708's and that there will be a (small) place for it....some people might want to keep the original EPROMS if they are very anal about keeping the hardware 100% original so then a dedicated programmer would be great.