Author Topic: Missing in action: Ms.Pac CPO, please help !  (Read 2277 times)


  • ArcadeLifeStyler'
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Missing in action: Ms.Pac CPO, please help !
« on: September 22, 2013, 12:20:26 PM »
My friends,

About one and a half year ago we did a groupbuy of artwork from Phoenixarcade

I remember there was Tron, Galaga and Ms.Pac artwork involved.
IIRC most of that stuff was distributed at Eurocade 2012.
Now, among the things I ordered was a Ms.Pac CPO.

I have been searching high and low and I can't find it anywhere anymore.

Maybe there is a possibility that it got caught between some of the other artwork pieces and maybe some of you guys simply stored their stuff and didn't have a look/haven't unpacked it yet.

So my request to those who participated is, can you have a look at your part of the stuff and maybe see if you have the ms.pac CPO extra ?

Thanks !!