..... Berlin
Which is a city that my wife and I wanted to visit for some time now. And as it happens that Mr. Magic-because-he-makes-dreams-come-true, alias Love, lives in this great city and has some goodies waiting for me (and others), we decided to go for a 3-day visit to this city. And so it happened last week.
Berlin is only 565 kilometers from my town, and as we left at 4 AM , we already were walking in Berlin at 10 AM, after checking in at the hotel.
Berlin is a fantastic and fascinating place to visit. We all know the ´modern history´ of this city of course, and the Berliners do cope with this in an excellent and very relaxed way. There are lots of things to see, especially when you are on foot or on bike, lots of great restaurants in every neighbourhood, and it also is a shopping paradise (so says the misses and I must say that the KDW, Kaufhaus Des Westens, is pretty amazing). So here are some obligatory pictures:

Very delicious cheesecakes at ´Princess Cheesecake'.

Pretty impressive, and all the stories around it makes you think why humans do act like beast sometimes (or often. And worst of all, don´t seem to learn anything, hè Mr. Assad). If you haven´t already, then you should plan a visit to Berlin.
Allright, after being two and a half days in Berlin, which is way too short (I´ll be back!

) it was time to get ready
for the real reason that I went to Berlin for the icing on the cake of this weekend.

And because we couldn´t find a Burger King, we had to do with an alternative:

No real punishment!

It was only a 10 kilometer drive through the city to arrive at Love´s storage, which is situated in a former East German industrial area (unbelievable sight), but it took us almost an hour. Bloody traffic lights! Anyway here some pictures without comment:

And here is my cab, the right one. It was packed in cardboard in the USA, and I dediced to leave it like this. Love said that my game was in it, and of course I believed him (and sure, I checked the top of the sidepanel!


So let´s get the game in the car:

Yes, it is in

OK, time to drive home. It was already 5.30 PM and we had some driving to do. But inside the car is a happy man.

Final shots of Berlin:

Back at home at 11.30 PM, and a total of 1165 kilometers.
This is the end of the road trip, but did I already mention which game it is. I believe not!

OK, unloading and unpacking of the holy grail:

Yep, Juno First, a highly desirable game, and it is in my shed!!
Some final pictures of the cab. As you can see there is a bit of damage on the CPO, but nothing dramatic and I decided to leave it like that. It´s original, still in pretty good condition and I don´t like the repro that is floating around that much. The last picture is one of the filter board with all of its connectors. Leaving out the filterboard would mean an overhaul of the cab wiring.