A few weeks ago, i watched a tv program about gaming on a local television station:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRbX3fmDywU It mentioned an arcade in the City of Utrecht, about 15 minutes from my place. This got me pretty exited and the images from the tv show looked promising.. So on a very hot Saturday i decided to take a look. Utrecht is quite a nice little historic city, kinda like a smaller Amsterdam with less annoying inhabitants.
Here are some pictures i stole from the net.

I heard a story about this place before, it's called Bison Bowling and is supposed to offer a mixture of Pool, Bowling and Games.
So far so good..

But the inside was a big disappointment! The pool and bowling stuff were okay, but the game selection and state of the machines sucked big time! Also it was way too hot inside, but i guess you can blame the weather for that. Even worse they decided to ask 1 Euro for every game, even for a generic Royal Video 60in1 with all games on very hard!

Don't know the name of this cheap looking game, but it also sucks!

I guess this is the holy grail of the place, the rumble function of the steering wheel was broken. I owned the Dreamcast version but imo this game isn't really suited for the arcade, it's just to hard for my taste. But i can see the appeal of having one in your game room and taking the time to master it.

The House of the Dead 4, not really into zombie shooters but i guess it's an okay title. But...... one of the pistols wasn't working, so no 2 player fun..

Time Crisis 3, i love that game, especially part 2!

Too bad this cabinet was also broken, the complete player 2 monitor was missing.

Sonic basketball game, i guess it's alright..

They also had 6 Sega Rally cabinets, so that's was nice. The airhocky tables were cool, but overall the place is over the hill.
If they maintained the games a lot better, added a few (generic) classics and some 90's games, it could work, but for now stay away from this place..