Yes that's what I often do too. You can also touch any electrical ground, like the bare metal "pins" on a grounded mains wall outlet.
I have damaged electronics once during my work years ago. It was a fire alarm system and for some weird reason, this was located in an office on the first floor. On the floor there was this thick carpet and I guess I was wearing shoes with rubber soles. When I touched a module of the fire alarm system a spark jumped from my hand to the module and it was dead.
Had to drive up to the office to get a new one.
So whenever I am on carpets I am aware of it.
Also: sometimes the damage will only appear after some time of use (weeks, months, years) and you won't always relate it to static discharge.
Over the years I have made it a habit to carry boards on the edges (not where the edge connectors are). I'm not touching parts if not needed, better safe than sorry. On the other side, I located the missing sound problem on my Centipede board using the "finger trick", touching the amplifier chip on the main PCB while running...and listening to what happened