OK... I was looking for 'it' since a while
Since my last London trip where I used to play the game, I was strongly looking to buy one...
Regarding the London trip...

... and I finally found one in france, for a reasonable price, regarding the year of that game and its great general condition
Well, here we go with the biggest road trip I ever done (even bigger than the roadtrip done in UK to bring back Star Wars cockpit & Dragon's Lair II)
Thursday evening : I rent this

Huge 'car' for an huge game

... It would be great to own one...
Friday - 03h00amWake up !
Everything is ready


So let's pick up my -official roadtrip counterpart- "Burt"
Let's check the counter before to go... 'coz we'll beat a record today

...at the french border...

...fuel... fuel...

...a solution to drive without sleeping ...

... so many hours of driving... and still not at location

Finally, we arrive at 11h30 at Nantes, very tired & hungry
So after quicly meet the seller, and check the game, we decided to go to unch before loading the game and return...
This is Burt, tired...

And I...

... very good restaurent by the way
Ok, go back to the seller... okey, everything is fine... I check once again the game : Test Mode, CRT, sounds, input... ok
Time to load

...stickers are nice...

...huge marquee... more than 50cm high...


... carefull, carefull...

...very heavy...

1, 2,3 ... 4 guys to do the job

...fixing the retroprojector...

... now, take care about the 'control panel / cockpit'

...protecting the parts...

... fixing the parts...

...close to the end...

"Photograph Memory"

... and the worst moment...

... giving the money :cry:

Ok, time to go... so many km to drive...

...strange drinks in france...


Oh no

No... just an alert... tjhe way is clear... we can drive

...close to the Belgian border... yes

... and he we are... at the Nuno's Lair
It's 22h30 pm... to late for unloading the game... We'll do that tomorow...
OK, now stat


61205 - 59684 = 1.521 km done

since 04h30 am to 22h30 pm = 18h30 on roadtrip
The new official Nuno's record
"If you will not fight, then you will meet your destiny" SnAkE ViDeO PrEvIeW
https://www.dragonslairfans.com/swt/destiny.wmvStay Tuned...