I already posted this in the Eurocade 2013 section but have a feeling many people haven't noticed the update yet so I post it here too.LADIES & GENTLEMEN...... it is with a lot of pride that we officially announce:
Eurocade 2013 @ The Retro Game ExperienceThis year, Eurocade will be an integral part of the Retro Game Experience which will take place on
14 & 15 september 2013
Hilversum, The NetherlandsThe Eurocade team have teamed up with the people of "Beeld & Geluid", or "Sound & Vision" to create a Retro Game Experience that Europe hasn't seen before !
It captures the history of the video game in all it’s aspects.
The location will be the wonderful
“Sound & Vision” building.
On various levels in the building, visitors can enjoy, play and learn all about all kinds of videogames from the 70s, 80s and 90s.
- Step back in time into a full-sized retro Arcade with 50 ready to play classic cabinets !
- dive into a large selection of consoles that vary from the Magnavox Odyssey to the Sega Saturn and homecomputers that go from the Commodore 64 up to the first PCs and everything in between !
- visit the exhibition section where you can admire an impressive collection of handhelds and video game merchandise on display !
- get a taste of the special atmosphere of a Japanese arcade while you visit our Candy Cab Corner !
- sit back and relax in our full-size movie theatre where you can enjoy the following movies:
- Wreck-it Ralph - Disney's hit movie about classic arcade video games
- The King of Kong - the cult hit movie !
- The Video Craze - documentary about collectors of classic arcade videogames
- compilation of video game related TV footage from the archives of Sound & Vision
- take part in a quiz, listen to speakers and a discussion panel (in Dutch) !
- and more we're still working on !
Everything will be set up in a professional way to make this a real “experience”
There will be all kinds of decoration to warp you back in time and enhance the retro feeling !
>>>HAVE A LOOK AT OUR COMPLETELY REVAMPED WEBSITE FOR ALL INFORMATION !!! <<<We already have received a lot of positive interest from people from all over Europe and even the US.
Of course, like any other Eurocade, we hope that people will be bringing one or more of their cabs !! Without your help we can't make it a success for all of us !
