I also want to add some salt to the soup

Well overall Rob has always been a nice guy in general, but maybe he had his ups and downs once in awhile.
Anyway as for the auction I can tell you that I was a pretty lucky bastard hehe. I first got two cabinets that I bid on only to strip them for parts, like monitors and all. So I got those 2 for €70,- incl. tax and all (€50,- ex.) So I went to pick those up and stumbled upon the Virtua Fighter 3 dedicated Sega cabinet. It originally auctioned for €285,- but there was supposed to be a Mame setup with 600 games in it, but this was not the case. The cab had only one game, VF3

So the buyer left it there and I went to the auctioners and asked what they wanted for it, so she said €85,- and I countered with €50,- and they accepted

So I went home with a working VF3 cab for €70,- incl. tax hehe. After some cleaning/replacing sticks and buttons/monitor adjusting etc. we now have this "kinda strange cab for it's time, but still so very cool" cab running in our Arcade

Everybody who knows The NGC can come and check it out on the 13th of april. Seeya then guys!