Or: The official translation table for arcade collector's partners....
1) "I SWEAR this is the last one I'll buy darling !"
= You know that if I find something REALLY special, I'll buy it anyway
2) [insert game name] is my holy grail. Once I got that Im finished.
= once I get that grail, there will always be a next one
3) I'll only buy another game once I've got them all running and restored.
= see translation 1)
4) Glad that I finished this machine, now I'll never have to work on it again...
= ...just those two screws I still need to change to black, just that monitor I have to adjust a bit, not to mention any repairs....
5) I don't have space for another machine, no really....
= you guessed it, see translation 1)
So true

...although I'm currently selling few cabinets...in order to make space for new one!

Damn, this will never end I'm afraid...