If you remember, I found a Pole Position 2 in the
Abandoned warehouse last year and it was a love at first sight.

This baby is just 9 years younger than me, we could be a nice couple.

To be serious, unfortunately there was no pcb in it and the whole wiring harness was also missing, so I started the hunt for the parts.
I asked a lot of PP owners if anybody have some spare parts, but the concordant answer was "forget about that, PP is a real pain in the ass".Finally my german friend

advised me to convert it to a mame

Originally I didn't plan to let any pc based thing to my collection, but in this case I had to make en exception, cause I really wanted to be together with my love.

As I know almost nothing about mame, I asked a guy from the hungarian pinball forums to make it for me and after 6 months it is ready.
Please don't ask me technical questions about the hardware and the building of this machine, I really don't know anything.

There were more or less 60 driving games installed (Super Sprint, Outrun, Spy Hunter, Monaco gp, etc.

, but I think only some of them will be playable with one pedal and a gear shifter.
Some pics:

And the video: